Fiecerage - Sanctuary Arc User


  • it means dragonfly in chinese right?
  • there is no point however, since a large amount of skills are weapon specified. a lot of people choose to specialise in one weapon path, while others like to go two paths. but there is really no point in getting all the skills.
  • check out the stickies and there are a least a truck of posts about this in short: choose the one that you like axe is more for aoe (radial) pole is more for pvp and straight line damage
  • XAsch may i ask what build you are using plz
  • i actually quite like bms, as 1)their skills look nice 2)they can aoe grind 3)with a cleric, they can do anything in the game 4)they are good at tw and pk 5)their axes look damn good however, as XAch said in another post, bms only start getting better at about 70. that's seriously a long way. i love damage dealers and…
  • mmm... the answer is quite simple No you can use fist weapons, however, you won't be able to use any of your skills. all of your skills require you to use axe/hammer, with some allowing unarmed. as a result, by wearing fist, you will not be good at tanking, because you can't keep agro, as: 1)your damage is too low 2)you…
  • i swear those mobs should be about lvl 40 something, judging from the damage they do to me and the length of time i have to spend to kill them.
  • for constant aoe grinding you will have to use axe you can't really aoe train effectively until mid 60s (from what i've heard) however you can start killing stuff in small groups starting from 49 Note: polearm is not for 1v1, that is sword/blade. polearm is linear aoe.
  • the better build will be 3str 1dex 1vit every lvl the reason for this is it gives you more accuracy, dodge and crit % due to higher in dex, as compared to 6str 1dex 3vit every 2 lvls. you will need vit, or you will find yourself getting killed by every mob. try out the builds if you have time and decide for yourself from…
  • rich bm
  • what exactly is the "higher lvl"? i can't help but noticing my damage output is really **** and so i my hp do i really need to wait until 4X to start seeing a change?
  • ok, i can't really help you out with the "which weapon is better" question, as i haven't really taken a bm past lvl23. however, for the screenshot, you can use this site Note: this is a very useful site for a range of different purposes eg: screenshots of armors, weapons (along with…
  • 3 did you get the ring from the guy next to the girl (can't remember his name). from memory, you'll have to have that ring to get the gears