My Cragglord is level 6 and it's a useful AOE DD it can deal like 16k aoe damage, it also can deal full damage on bosses, so while people deal 5k crit on [?] bosses, my cragg can deal 16k with skill b:victory
- b:chuckle
Man, I have to say the Vital Herb, Cragglord, Salvation's buffs, Falling Petals, and Break in the clouds are the most used skills in FC by me. But sure I use creeper sometimes too.
Vital Herb is very good, not better than BB, but really useful.
Everybody know cleric is better to heal. Ironheart Blessing FTW !
Yeah, with Salvation's skill, Vital Herb, Healing Herb, Falling Petals the barb won't die so easily on Big Pulls, I guess I will be useful on FCs. (Man, the only thing I can think is FC hahaha, I really want to reach level 100b:dirty)
Guys I used Vital Herb lvl7 to heal barb lvl75 on BH59 (without cleric), and I have to say that Vital Herb is really Great!!! I just don't needed to heal, because Vital Herb could heal enough, I really loved that Vital Herb, it will be useful for FCs b:dirty
oh, it still fail a lot like level 1, so I guess the percentage don't changed.
Hey, Caterpie, I tested a lot Gale Force, and if it Seal, then paralize too, I never saw monsters running later I use Gale Force, but with Thicket it happened, so I maxed Gale Force because of that.
Guys, anybody know what should I do on FC? I mean, when barb pull many mobs, the guys deal AOE to kill all them quickly, but I don't know which AOE I whould use: "Gale Force", "Thicket" or "Cragglord's skill", I have no idea... Any experience about that? Thank You.
Sorry for say that, but "break in the clouds" Mystic's healing skill, is faster and better than "wellspring surge" cleric's healing skill. You know, better for emergencies than cleric, but Ironheart Blessing still is the bestest healing skill.
No idea how much strong can a mystic's pet reach with Mystic Full R9...
Veno got healing skills and revive? Cleric got a pet to help DD ? Oh, no! So, can you stop trolling, please? :)