Feap - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • b:cry I couldnt Go to the wars but I hope everyone had fun! <.< cuz thats what its all about right? anyway Hey all from Feap in Las Vegas!! been havin a good old time here in Sin City Got to meet a guildie ^-^ went and had lunch wit um and had some fun walkin arround lookin at pretty stuffed animals at the Bass Pro Shop…
  • Not touchy, just want to be left alone. I've had enough people call me two faced and claim i did horrible things to belial, which is completely untrue. At WORST I've razzed belial a little in world chat which isn't uncommon I razz a lot of people in world chat just most can handle it and not blow it out of proportion.…
  • .____. wow people... i read these forums but never post yet somehow i still come up. How? Redmenace why do you care so much what I do? cant you grow up and get over yourself? to your whole guild... Kinda like to point out YOU started talking about me first forums show it there's no going back now so, would u Belial people…
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *BTW Ascension tanked Krimson the whole way so those of u doubting the V-nom SHAME on u. **PPS the V-nom tanked it NOT her pet.
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