oh yes, 1 more thing, one here said u can just expell the tank to kill the wb. yea ok, thats well thought, but if pwi makes things so easy, its not so funny to play it. It should have a balanced grade of difficulty, it must be like a challenge and there must be some strategy too.. thats my opinion^^
yea well I gotta say some little things too that with "mentally destroyed", ok I went a lil bit to far b:chuckle it was meant to be "sad" or "disappointed" I hope gms will act as they satisfie many ppl who play pwi, surely not everyone, but nearly everyone, better then only a few people and last thing, yea maybe I should…
I agree with this statement
yea but now wait for gm's opinion, if they re changing smth on it..
lol ok, u can steal boss by over-damaging it or pking the players who are pks and are killing it, but do u imagine what it could be in the future? u see how many ppl are greedy nowadays? I mean for example now a wholy fac could come, using the genie skill at the fac or squad who s killing the wb and this would be repeated…
no theres not my name on it, but thats not fair. and if u get half of hp down, the boss will belong to u as u kill without the influence of other ppl. I mean if luring a boss into a city is forbidden, this must be forbidden too
yea or smth like that, but its enough to destroy a wb hunting. it should be only usable within squad members
best would be like one of my friends proposed to use it only within the squad in which u are, so that u can it only use with squadmembers :)
yea, but apparently it has 1 second cooldown so that u can use it to immobilize all clerics around
it is already, maybe this treat is a source to do it even worse, but som1 must it mention again, as in the other treat "Genie skill expell" nothing was done
yea I know that its lame, we should do smth against that. thx for posting here some valuable information
lol stay a fair guy man^^
yea guys that the truth... I m still shocked that smth like that is possible...
yea cant we do anything against these unfair things? rly guys that skill can destroy ppl's fun playing PW. I cant do worldbosses anymore without being scared that som1 appears to do such a dirty thing. I will know record all my worldboss kills, but thats sucks if u have to do it all the time. and there are lots of ppl who…
lol... it sucks rly