b:cry can't login
b:laugh wanna point few things and don't get mad. 1st dyn out gears of most of our people 2nd we never get max players show up (60-75 not max alway) 3rd b:laugh don't say you don't out DD : how many max +12 gears with josd or without josd or josd with +10? 4th: our barb suck whatever, atless our we have fun
b:chuckle I agree with you. purge bow + criti = OP and auto attack.
b:chuckle remove dyn from map
b:laugh full josd +12 seeker 1hit ko full +12 josd psy, 2x in a row f:confused what is OP, power to 1hit ko or QQ about stupid stuff
f:confused If u don't hate me then that why always QQ and try banned me! f:hush wait, just hater
I know someone who got 6K+contribution and still got 0 tokens. f:faint
+1 b:laugh All QQ and Troll here are useless.
b:laugh hate me more, plz hate me You disappoint someone reach top without cashing. Sad, show you loving me so much and want to die for me.
f:confused what is OP? Do purify 1shot everyone? b:chuckle how this skill overpower when purify help to run away.
b:laugh more hater for me, love QQ and troll about me. b:chuckle snu snu power f:confused only gladio dogs hate me so much and want me get banned.
b:laugh all top cash player quit, good for them. fail loser
f:melon AGREE as far game go, seem balance now and no more OP melee/dex class.
b:chuckle he just need full josd then going be hard to get kill.
b:chuckle been play since server up, oldest player still can reach top...QQ
b:laugh only you people think they ****, when they are lot smarter than you.
b:surrender sin are op
b:laugh there always a reason why he banned
b:chuckle melee class can do 3-5k dmg per hit with even level and max gears. b:chuckle Max gears seeker did criti of 18k dmg on me. So many QQ and TROLL with fake info
f:goneSurvival Of The Fittest: The weak die out and the strong will survive, and will live on forever .f:cool
b:surrender +1 , max gears josd white voodoo is dam hard to kill it.
f:confused ur same nation as me, saw u few time. f:shock When there other of me f:shock
f:sneaky i'm here for gang bang
b:victory max gears babe, not enough snu power. GoF and Purge bow are better. I rather have them instead.
b:shocked snu himself to dead, dam gimme that powers.
f:cool 2xmore boss is missing. Total 5 boss
b:chuckle sound like your jealous because you want to be like him, but since you cant.
b:dirty never say no to panda
b:surrenderwhat is bot
b:laughAs far as being PK'ed myself, whether I win or lose, I'm having fun. Being a PK'er, I completely accept the fact people will come after me, and if you lose to me, hey try again, it isn't the end of the world. If you beat me, I'm like *Oh ho, hey you got me. b:surrender