Left hook, right hook, uppercut. A little razzle dazzle and the win. Congratulations! b:victory
Nice presence of mind to respond to that npc chatter lol. +1 b:victory
So what you are basically is saying is that there is no way for any of us to transfer any of our gold, items or coins to the new server. Got it b:victory
Ever concider a job in sports comentating hisui? You do a fantastic job at giving us the play by play on whats going on. Keep it up b:victory
So basically you want an event that gives items strictly to the Veno players. Because my mount, i really could care less if he goes hungry or not. How about a no? b:victory
Ironheart blessing draws very little aggro, but if a mob has been untouched then it will be enough to pull it to you. If you know your group will fight a few mobs, you should pre-load your barb with 3-4 Ironheart blessings then he can charge in. It will give him a good 10-15 seconds where his hp won't move and he can take…
I swear it's like talking to a wall. You do realise that unless a cleric goes FAC they won't have the necesarry debuffs until well in the 70's? That's 70lvls you have to play where you have to be realistic about what you can and can't do. I know a lot of "elite" players will say they get to 70 in 1 weeks time, but most of…
Why does anything people debate about have to deteriorate to insults and name calling? All this post does is insult, provoke, flame bait and contribute nothing. Why make it? If you felt such negative feelings towards me and what i am saying you could choose not to read it. Public insulting is the better way to go? And then…
Those same BM's can stunlock you indefinetely or 1 shot you with there ultimate. Time your spark to resist there stun? Thats your tactic? Are you serious? It's like a half second window, with the lag...this is your tactic? What does that work 1 out of 100 times? Please stop spreading these ricidulouc rumors that clerics…
I honestly don't think a veno's herc should hold aggro as well as a barb...or even better from what some people are saying. A pet doing a better job tanking then a player playing a class designed to tank would just be mind boggling honestly...
And please don't denegrate anyones opinions by calling them "Stupid". Not because of what they are saying or because of there age. I am in my twenties, i have debated with philosophy professors in there sixties about many subjects. Never was an opinion of mine called "Stupid" because of my age. A youthfull perspective can…
You know i have to say, the idea that humans are animals and justfying anything we do as such just doesn't fit with the majority of humanity for one reason...and thats the majority do not believe humans come from animals. Believe it or not recent statistics show the majority of humanity (taking into account christians,…
Not at all. This is one of the most fun threads i have read in a long time. And them two make it fun. b:victory
A lot of great moments. Getting my wings of watcher, my black bikini set *giggle*, my mount....but for battle... Probably the first time we did TT 1-1. Now that was fun. The battles, the thrill of working as a group for a change. Fighting drumlord was great, knowing at 50% i had to BB and pray i don't die doing it. Then…
Zenpachi - Sorry couldn't quote the entire thing, like my post, would be too long. Very well said. Comparing humans to base animals could never truly work, but then again an apple and an orange are not the same thing but still part of the same food group. Empathy is one characteristic humans have, but not so much more then…
Thank you. Anytime ^^ Thank you, and it's "She". Yes women can have intelligent opinions beyond what to wear. b:chuckle I don't know you too much but I would like to suggest to you that maybe it would do you some good to speak to a professional about your very deep emotions. Please don't take that as an insult or me trying…
And what made you the moral authority of humanity exactly? You sit there behind a computer and judge all of humanity yet what exactly are you doing thats so righteous? Playing a videogame and criticizing the way things are does not make you any better then the rest. The fact is you don't feel that passionately about any of…
You guys are hilarious. Goodluck with the guild b:victory
I can honestly say the life of a veno is easier then a cleric. And btw, for every one time a veno helps me i help 100 veno's. So i think i'm free to comment on that. My veno friends don't spend 1/100 in coins that i do on charms, always have more money then me because it costs them nothing, and once they get herc and…
Going on the assumption that 90% of humanity is bad, then what you're basically saying is that that 90% is normal and the 10% who are "less then bad" are abnormal. So if 90% of a population is one way then it can't be bad, it can only be good. It's those 10% who give to charity and help thy neighbor you need to watch out…
Well if you ever want to see what it's like to fight veno's with phoenix's, go to the dragon temple event on tuesday nights and see how well you do. b:victory
Better then average would mean then who is average at solo pvp class? BM's do great in pvp with stunlock. High lvl barbs dominate. Archers do great. LA mages do great at high lvl's. Veno's with phoenix do amazing. So who's cleric doing better then? I'd say mage and thats it. Every other class can beat you, veno with…
How dare you contradict him? Don't you know he knows everything about the game? Did you not get the memo that stated he is the godlike authority on all things PWI? Seriously get with the don't argue with him, he knows it all!
I wonder what this has to do with anything i said...i can solo fine on my cleric, i never said otherwise. But veno's do it better. I can pvp fine on my cleric, but veno's do it better. Your entire post doesn't counter anything i said. You pretty much agree with me that clerics come under veno. The point is not that clerics…
Ooo new servers. Pretty cool there you wet noodle spanking gm's you b:victory
This thread is like the republicans thinking they have a snowballs chance in hell to win the elections with Mr.Burns...err john mcain. b:victory
Bye RoC b:victory I kinda liked them honestly.
I think people just help but avoid train wrecks. When you see a disaster happening, once the initial shock and awe is over, people just cant help but check it out. congratulations on being the disaster of the week b:victory
As a female, i simply couldn't resist joining a guild called "Abused". Where the **** beatings are as plentiful as the men pretending to be women so they can get **** beatings.