Hey if I am not on at the time please message any of these people or my executors FoxyT DevineBunny Amontillado Shlapintogan HissyFit krono website is here
That can be found here :)
You can join Gauntlet, a lvl 1 Tw/TT/Fb faction about to make a jump to lvl 2. We would be happy to accept you in our family :) If you want more info check out our website here Or PM me or any of these people for invite. FoxyT DevineBunny Amontillado…
Hmm...If you would like to settle for a lvl 1 faction Gauntlet would be happy to accept you :) We have about 43 members and will be making the leap to lvl 2 faction soon. our website can be found here if you want to check us out a little bit more. :) Pm me…
Ok. Well we are looking forward to your company. :)
If you want to settle for a small guild then Gauntlet may accept you :) After all I am it's leader :P
Ahh we would love to have you :) We are a small TW/TT/Fb faction named Gauntlet that is lvl 1 but we will be making our move to lvl 2 soon. Most players are around lvl 20+ so we can help you out with quests, Fbs, etc. If you are friendly im sure you will make some friends with us in a short time.
You should follow this guide here. it is very helpful when making your barbarian. So far it has worked for me up to lvl 42..don't know about the rest cause I have not lvled past that yet.
Name of Guild:Gauntlet Guild Level:1 Guild Requirements:All levels and Classes Leader:EarlWings Site: i hope to change the url to something easier soon but this is what i got right now.