SweetieBot pls link me to a guide to the pwi reincarnation quest line b:byeb:thanksb:chuckle
SweetieBot um by the way how far is far because im sure im the farthest right?b:thanksb:chuckleb:laugh
SweetieBot pls analyze the stock market and provide me a link to the guide for reincarnation quest line pls pls plsb:angry
sweetiebot analyze the stock market pls b:angry
were do i get my jones blessing from
sweetiebot analyze me pls ?
sweetiebot why not ? why wouldnt you want to engage in a social life after you get a mobile platform ? you never know you might get to log in from a new ip address
sweetiebot can you analyze all my previous post on all threads pls
sweetiebot when you get a moblie platform do you want to come chill
sweeteibot pls explain why you should be allowed in all threads and your right i do but i thought i would ask so the rest could hear it from someone else but alas it would seem the rules even have you at odds
who would be willing to be the next so we can all log on and afk in random places not me i allready called it sweetiebot pls tell me why ? op whats up im not raging yet soon im sure someone will say somthing that pisses me offf dont coment on the three fs anyway i need free money
sweetiebot what is my max damage
sweetiebot am i pro
sweetiebot ?
lets talk about fukushima
a longer update over rollback any day i just got my sin to lv 90 and my 55k rep pls people stop causeing painic surly the gms would come on and post befor they rollback
for the pokemon fans out ther you guys should check out for fun gameboy games online can save and every thing total 90s kid here
have to say my fave game anima would be the dk crew for donkey kong 64
t amazes me to see how many players are blaming things on greed and stuff like that while ignoring market mechanics. There is no greed in the price of gold or tokens. Its pure market mechanics. And PWI has control of the variables in this market. this last part here is what intrest me market mechanics are driven by greed…