but from the amazing Punchlines of the concept of calling a class "****" is awesome... Come on u mean to tell me no one ever made their Zelda Chara "Asshhole" so that ingame text would read.." Hey Asshhole i have a quest for you." ??????
lol u think just watch
lol me no im gonna go psy. I just wanted to know ppls opinion on the subject.
b:victoryb:dirty LOL effen halarious thats one way to do it
lol but the crazy pent up anger from these little kids on PvE servers are horrible. taking your aggression out on someone PvP is better. =PvE= "OMG i hate you.. im gonna duel u to show you how much hate i have..." =PvP= "BOOM one shotted LMAO"
that is a very appropriate name... I have a few friends , in -Lost City- who will be creating charas and a faction in this server to own TW lol... But will this server be PvE? or PvP?
i agree with lewolf i will be doing +3 mag, +1 vit, +1 str on odd lvls, and +3 mag, +1 vit, +1 dex on even lvls this will build a vit hybrid LA Psychic
lol "sin" lol call it what everyone want to call it lol "****"
hey im game Fallenmind in Lost City Server im lvl 56 barb