im trying to buy silver dragon orders to i need 25 more please pm me ingame if ur selling someb:victory EDIT: lol my character is 77 now not 71 >.<
did you hitted a boss 60k no crit on lvl 80? do u have a pic of tht? wut skill was it
but also note the channel time of those skills while red tide has 1.8sec channeling and water dragon has 4.0sec
the leveling is quite fast in my opinion im playing from expansion but was on holidays one week to and made 30 psy so 1day lost only used a few oracles
lol i really think most people here dont have high enough lvl sin to know what the real gameplay is im 51 now and get hitted like 190melee dmg own lvl mobs and i have 1.8k hp i get hitted max 1-2hits every mob
I had the mold with the first one but with the 2nd one got 2 miragesb:sad and yes there is a lvl 40 and i even heard of a lvl 50 but not sure of that
in my experience of teaming up with a psychic so far is the skill tackling slash u will need to be lvl 29 just immobilize the mob with tackling slash and even if she takes aggro the mob will stay in its place so it will be no problem because it will be dead before the mob is out of the freeze for bosses though i would…
archers can indeed kill a mob of their own lvl before they reach them if they are 4x and have a decent weapon but most people dont at 4x and if the archer gets hit it seems to do greater damage on my 35 archer then on my 34 sin assassin indeed takes 2 hits each monster if u know what ur doing maybe 1 wich is on higher lvls…
this isnt true either because in stealth mode we can go anywhere we want so we can pop up somewhere else and sleep u before u even know where are back. however i must say the cast time of stealth mode does takes a while
Thts maybe because ur 90 but if the sin is same lvl as the bm as mentioned in thread u wont be able to see or target him
The Psychics are a bit too powerful. They take mobs away from people easy, bring a mobs health down to almost half in the first hit (what I saw) and I don't know when they hit a mob until it runs away from me to the Psychic i totally disagree with this the dmg really balances out 3x even 2x i compared dmg with friend psy…
lol i think u are forgetting the 29 skill that will ommobilize the target for 6.3 seconds giving u a bit more time and it also gives u 50chi