the scam gold sellers are still going strong on all of PWI servers but yes PWE lets try forcing arc on players who have said for months NO WE DONT WANT THIS!!! you guys cant even figure out how to stop scammer/gold sellers!! how do you expect us to trust you to figure out a system like arc??? for the record, since maint is…
The part that makes me mad about that is that when you dc in nw it will take your token buff away even though if you log out on your own it is still there when you log back in.
A smart cleric can get 10k+ contribution easily without attacking once. You just have to understand how contribution works.
They need to change it now because enough people found the true entry exploit and finally started using it. Not talking about removing gear which only causes you to have less soulforce but does not guarantee where you will end up. This one actually can guarantee that multiple full r9-3 +12 squads can get in same nation. Oh…
It never worked from day 1. You could level the skill but it did nothing. So if you want to call it a nerf it was done before the game was even released.
I would be fine with that.
i have had the same issue for over 6 months. yes i have access to the email. yes i have sent in multiple tickets and no i still am not able to change my password. my advice to you is to start a new account. probably a lot faster plan of action unless you want to wait 6 months and counting for nothing to happen.
Permabans are never permanent. I know alot of people who have gotten out of a permaban by threatening to stop cash shopping. They are unbanned in hours then... Without a strict set of rules that they enforce on everyone equally there is no point reporting anyone because there never is a real punishment for the crime.
The pain the pain...Read the entire feckin post. No where in it does it mention Dragon Fire packs now does it? Here you go since you are not bright enough to look at the correct announcement that actually talks about DF Packs.
Read your own post genius...Do you see Dragon's Fire packs in what you wrote?
If times are made any earlier...Even 20 minutes earlier I will still be at work. Any change in time will effect other people so now the EU people are the ones who are being greedy saying who cares about those it will effect as long as I dont have to get up/stay up to do it. I would much rather go to bed when I get home…
Glad i have multiple sets of molds already. Although might make it fun since it wont be so easy anymore. I think it is a good thing to buff the bosses since all the fails will have to get some gear now to do their BH.
Farm NV3 then if you do not want to CS r9. I kill many R9s and I have no R9.
If your computer cant handle 20v20 you really need a new one. I have done 100v100v100 on another game without any lag and my computer is 5 years old...
Anyone who will make liberalism a capital offense will get my vote.
Red balls in 57 have % based damage. It is impossible to get 1 shot...
I received the email but you would have to kill me before I would install that spyware on my pc. I decompiled it and it was nothing but spyware...No one with a brain would install that ****.
Went on a BH snake that had no cleric. Barb pulls entire pav everyone but me dies. I tank entire pav solo which was painful due to all the seals. I relog onto cleric for snake and watch 20 minutes of everyone getting 1 shot as they come back in. Boss at 300k hp...I tell everyone to stay back and I will drop bubble and kill…
The smart thing would have been to run the sales separately to maximize their profits. 1* alone DF pack alone 10* alone Running them all together was poor marketing in my opinion.
I tanked incacerate for 2 minutes after rest of squad wiped. Was just me and ep. The rest rebuffed and came back in and finished it off. I have no r9 but I do have full 3rd cast NV with no shards in it.
Oh forgot to mention earlier the aurora agent is definitely a economy killer although i would not complain since I know it will be back sooner or later so I have over 20k tokens stocked up for the occasion.
Do you seriously not understand how 2x works? It does not increase your chance of getting a gold/green per drop. The only thing it increases is the amount of drops. Each drop is still bound by original drop rates there are just more of them. On average you should get better drops due to the larger pool of items but it is…
Interesting question and like Michael said a few of the responses so far have been a little disturbing. I can see how some people can get attached to their toon for various reasons although the level of attachment that some people have is borderline insanity. I personally have zero attachment to any character on any game.…