Ezriel - Harshlands Arc User


  • To deny the darkness battle, is to claim victory.
  • Delete the dam things, and make a more user friendly Auction house. Imo..
  • At current what needs to happen is the defensive and offense mechanics need to be changes to prevent people frm being one shotted. Pw has a unique advantage over a game like WoW. and i reference to them because of the large community the have, and the success they have. I see the potential in Pw to be greater, but this…
  • PvP Mechanical Changes Players should now have an in-game option to inspect pvp statistics of another player much like they can inspect a players gear. Players should now have the ability to see locations of players when in their general area. ( not anywhere in the game, as this would make griefing a serious problem)…
  • the idiot gms can make it not cost money to use it. that way they will not go there for attention...
  • I know you probly dident read the middle part of this, but we established that no system is perfect, as its created by an imperfect being. as such, there will be scams ( its a for sure thing ) you cant get around it, but we can catch the majority of them in the act. the issue here is not if or if not there will be scams,…
  • What i want to know is why a Gm locked my thread when i did this. I have / own a 1000 man vent server, and he locked the thread when i tried to make a universe vent for pwi. I call bs, and biest. Gm should be punshed or should lock this thread, imo. cant play fav's with customers, its a good way to get sued.
  • Im not going to post that info at this time, I have thought about it, and i i feel if i do, people will figure out how to get around it. For now, it will remain a secret. but its a great idea ;)
  • English? o.O Edit I am pleased to announce all potential scamming has been worked out. we have found a way to prevent any issues with this system. I am also pleased to announce, the total bounty offered has just broke 2,400,000 gold coins and continues to rapidly climb with each world chat ad. I hope this will be enjoyed…
  • at this point in time, its just a matter of trust. If it becomes a problem we will make posters pay in advance. Also, they have to be dead with the screen shot to prove they killed them. The only thing that is to rest after that is the fact of seeing if they are some how related, play with each other, or so on to prove if…
  • more of the type that gives up before trying?
  • I think we get the point that the system may or may not be abused? how many more people are going to say what the past 4 pages of people have said? We get it, ffs. We will try to stop it, its the best we can do. if you have suggestions, post them, other wise shut up about it.
  • I have played games like this, For instance [removed] online. Bounty systems are good, they encourage pvp. the website is there for people interested. as for the camping the noob day thing, its not an instant means of help. maybe that can be something that we can dream up on, however this way is simply just something to do…
  • Reserved for a later time to add more idea's.
  • by removing their ability to post further bounties. If it becomes a problem, we will require them to pay in advance, but for now i want to try it this way. as for the a,b,c thing, I see what you mean, but i doubt that will be an issue. there is a few things we will look for to give hints of this. ( same guild, repeated…
  • Player(s) who are 50,60,70, 80 or what ever, who want to earn gold, or like to pvp can come to the website and look for people to kill. after that the poster can give them the money. and posters who are lower level will get their revenge. its not doom to failure, iv gotten probly about 100-120+ tells already in game for…
  • You cant scam the system like that. because the player posting the bounty is the one paying it. thus, he would be giving 1/2 of his gold to his friend. does work, no profit. also because its directly from the bounty poster, to the bounty hunter, it prevents mix ups etc. i am just providing the means to organize this.