Evol_Blade - Lost City Arc User


  • you know you are both right.. i must of been having a bowel head day today .. they would cost arround $5 per gem.. considering 5 gold would sell for arround 800k. This is what happens when you post BEFORE drinkng your coffee in the morning. xD
  • I do realize that if you were to sell the gold one could get more than one flawless gem for $1 at the current extange rate of 1gold = 145k and with flawless gems at arround 800k each you could obtain about 2 per dollar.. so mabye .75 cents each. I dunno I am thinking more of ease of use. Not having to bother selling gold…
  • I have spent arround $1000 on this game withing the past 4 or 5 months. Some people may think this is excessive and you might be right; however, I like playing the game. I have no problem paying for something that I like doing. I do see it as somewhat of an irony. I will not pay a monthly susbcription to play a mmo, but I…