Ok you want me to post here? Ok I will. I bet the real reason you can't make any changes to the game is because they know you'll **** it up. Hell if you can't fix an internet page how are you supposed to fix a game?
Maybe on forums, I haven't been in-game for about 3 months, on this or my main. It's just not worth playing anymore. I thought maybe I'd try it, but trying to get a jones blessing won't even work, they broke that and the games obviously not in much better shape.
You obviously haven't been playing very long have you? Or never played on a PK server.
You've never fought a charmed barb before have you?
Hailstorm has a 33% success rate to immobilize. Stack that with it taking 3 seconds to use, i call that not worth the time trying. A 4X barb can't have brainer, idk why you'd bring it up. And yes a BM, Seeker, and Sin can use jumps/teleports to move while immobilized. Also a wiz can't counter arma, they can…
Dueling at 4X is no comparison to actual PK. In actuality the barb would just holy path up to you and stun you. By the time hailstorm channels he'll already be in your face.
Well personally i've never seen or dropped from my equipped items while pink named. Maybe i should have said equipped items.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't drop from your gear unless your red named. I think you may be talking about that veno i saw at hidden orchid, who was red named, and lost a hellfire drake. Being red named puts a huge target on your head you better be ready to face the consequences if you don't want bind/safety lock.
Great Cyclone is overpowered? Great Cyclone Level 10 Range 26.5 meters Mana 144 Channel 1.0 seconds Cast 1.0 seconds Cooldown 3.0 seconds Weapon Unarmed, Magic Instruments Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Initiate Summon an immense cyclone around the enemy, inflicting metal damage equal to your base magic attack plus 100%…