Wow! This faction seems to be THE faction! Gonna send my app in ASAP! ^_^
It is possible that you haven't completed the "Gold" coloured quest which is the "Spiritual Cultivation" quest. (The Quest which requires you to go talk to the Taoist or something like that) Press Q to look at your quests and complete the one which is coloured gold/yellow. You can't advance your skills if you don't talk to…
Cute factor? I was given one by a generous Veno! Can't use it yet tho! ^_^
I hope I am not THAT off topic! but I didn't want to open a whole new thread for a simple question! I have levelled up a Sable Minkii from lvl 5. Now there are Charing Sable's to tame. They start around lvl 17. My Minkii is now lvl 18 My Charing is still lvl 17 The Minkii is better in everyway except for running speed...i…