Yeah, come on casters and archers! Buncha wussies, stand there and take the beating like a big boy/girl! b:laugh Nuh plenty of classes need to kite nowadays damage from for example sins.. Most archers in DW wouldn't last a minute in a 1 vs 1 without kiting.. it's doing what's needed to stay alive. :P But yeah I wouldn't…
+1........... I'd get mad if as a sin deaden could be purged.. ijs, the skill is there for a reason. #Squishy Same goes for psychics, their pdefence unless having way high end gear and physical ornaments is ****. Their skills are there to counter other classes. Every class has it's pro's and con's, we've learned to deal…
Last time DW had a GM that actually responded to people was 4-5 months ago, it was BearClaw and he/she was actually helpful. But other then that they don't come onto DW much. b:shutup
Hello Eva, Thank you for conctating us. I'm sorry to hear that you were among those affected by the recent outage. The network issue has been resolved, and all games and servers are available once again, however, we cannot promise any compensation at this point. Nonetheless we have forwarded your feedback to the…
Friend got '****' (gave away his info and his stuff and R9r3+11 JOSD gear got taken/npc'd) and he sent in a ticket, days later he got a respond they were going to give him the gear back. Weeks later he got a r9r3 set back.. But.. He was a seeker, and the gear was r9r3 for clerics. b:laugh GG PW He sent in another ticket…
Tideborn flyer is pretty. b:dirty But I rather have my Frozen Wishes. <3 And ew.. I hoped that soon there would be new pretty fashion.. but dang that sht is ugly. b:shocked And the last one looks too much like the celestial fashion. I would love new weapon fash for psy's.. So far you have to zoom in to even see how your…
Sweetiebot please open 10 War Avatar Pack S
Sweetiebot please forge item 34772 for me Sweetiebot please forge item 34772 for me Sweetiebot please forge item 34772 for me
Sweetiebot please forge item 34772 for me
Sweetiebot please forge item 34772 for me
Sweetiebot please forge item 34772 for me
Sweetiebot please open 1000 Joy Scroll's Sweetiebot please open 10 War Avatar Pack S Sweetiebot please forge item 34772 for me
Quick runs too when you know what to do b:laugh
Can't wait for DW to finish the last phase.. <3 new content. So are you able to get 5 bloods a day now? And is the new instance like the one Astrelle posted? b:dirty
Just when I thought people couldn't get any lower.. Congrats on your stupidity. There has been zero drama within factionchat ever since I joined, you don't know me, and people that do know me, love me. b:laugh Continue with the trashtalking and drama, go ahead. You're the ones continueing this drama on a topic about an TW…
Shut up and stop going off-topic, if you feel like argueing like you are now, go make your own topic or do it within your own faction. Keep your **** out of this one if you've got nothing nice to say little miss innocent. You guys keep bringing up useless arguments and things that have nothing to do with this topic, if you…
Way off topic again cause people can't let go of the past/stop making excuses. b:thanks Wondering why a mod hasn't closed it yet. b:laugh
The only person whom can destroy a faction is the leader itself. Stop being butthurt about the past. I'm pretty sure you, whoever you are, were never in Vex. QQ more. Relic loves me, I love Relic. b:cute We're doing great.
b:bye Bye kiddo
Anyways, we went way off topic here. Great video Dark. Keep it up! b:victory When are you making some new NW videos?
You're right. It's over. I wont play along with your childish little games. I guess one of us has to be the adult.. *sigh* Guess it has to be me. :) Have a good day, come again.
Wich wasn't me. So yeah, good job. b:chuckle
'Even she said you did'. Mom, Jenny hit me. Let me be the adult one and drop the subject. :)
I didn't mention any names, could have been Dark, could have been Saku or could have been one of the other people in this topic/youtube who keep the drama up nor was I specificly talking about this topic only. Plsdon'ttwistmywords and learn to read and to understand. I haven't twisted anything either. :)
Wow put the blame on poor little Eva. :( I didn't twist anything, good day stranger.
I'm always calm. :( Stop making drama pls. But in other words.. since I'm 'twisting' the exact words you said.. You say Dyna is to blame too? Alright. Thanks for agreeing with me that they're both equally to blame.
Drop the damn subject, stop provoking, stop making drama and have fun TW's. kkty b:cute
b:chuckle You're actually saying the only one to blame for this drama on Dark's topic, youtube etc. is only Relic's fault? b:mischievous And that this isn't provoking and leading to more drama? It would have been okay with just leaving this topic be, since you and Dark aren't argueing anymore. But provoking right after?…
Comments like these.. Provoking! Incoming drama in 3.. 2.. 1! b:laugh
Never mentioned either of the faction names to point and blame one faction on starting it, they're both equally to blame, just saying in general; stop the drama. b:chuckle TW is fun, the long TW's between Dyna and Relic are AMAZING, let's keep it that way.