I re-installed when Arc came around. I actually had hoped it would fix the problem, but apparently not b:laugh. And also, I do believe those are the correct screenshots, why? Do windows not appear to have moved to you? Maybe I'm just very controlling about my windows being in exact places b:shocked
Successfully generalized as a noob cash shopper and a 24/7 botter? Check! b:chuckle Also, I'm a Mystic b:surrender I do farm TT and contribute to the server! Only, I get the privilege of just doing 1-X and maybe 2-X, cuz you know...I'm no sin or BM or barb Seriously, our biggest problem right now is just the damn…
I know the drop rates. They're abysmal. I agree with you there. It's ridiculous. However, 2x drops doesn't increase that b:shutup it just makes double the amount of drops, well...drop. Which is great and all, but then you get a whole bunch of items that aren't really what you wanted. And, again with the repairs and pots.…
Well, if you're a r9rr +10 barb, I'm sure you could come up with a bigger income somewhere else than from anything 2x drops will help you get. Like, maybe selling crafting services or outright selling the T3 weapons to people (like the r9rr barb in my faction does for his money...) The problem isn't 2x.
Actually - I'm a completely cash-less player. I understand calling other people who play more efficiently cash shoppers is common practice to make you feel better, but in this case it's not true. I've been working now for 8 months building up my r9 fund. If I can finish selling my current stock, I might just be halfway…
Well, yeah, we'd all agree. But that's because we always want freebies b:chuckle. Do you want billions of coins? I know I would want that if they were offering I never understood the fascination with 2x drops. It's the same terrible drop-rates, but with 2x the **** dropping.
That would be because Weeping Breeze Dance/Storm Dance is our highest hitting Wood damage skill. Base Magic Attack + 250% weapon damage + 3,500/8,776. And no, it's not a text error. It did not increase in damage from the upgrade if you are demon. Sage apparently is A-OK, and is also the more common Mystic cultivation
I'd hope for at least 30%~. As Mystics, all of our chances on skills range from 20% to 30% (demon Comforting Mist getting a 35% b:dirty). So for 50-75% would be a little strange. 30% is an enormous improvement over 1% b:surrender
Luckily, indeed. Holy hell is that a low chance. I'm full T3 +5 armor, +8 helmet and cape, +7 wand. I have 16,497 Soulforce. That's not r9rr level, but it's not exactly lacking. I sat there with a good Cleric buddy of mine, Zaccy, using it on him over and over to see if it would proc. I counted out exactly 200 attempts…
24 days later: Friendly reminder from a Demon Mystic that Storm Dance needs the additional damage number looked at, still
Still very much wondering if this has made any progress! 60 Primal Bloods down the drain for a pretty blue effect and nothing else. I wish I had instead spent those on the Absolute Virtue passive 3 times over b:laugh
Actually his first time was not too long ago. He did waaaaaay better than some people who have done it 30 times. I think that means he can READ b:laugh Seriously, that's all Flowsilver Palace takes: Reading Comprehension
My favorite Mystic skill has to be Lucky Break! Ever since I've gotten Lucky Break, I don't know how I ever lived without it! Otherwise, of the base Mystic skills, Falling Petals just has too much utility to ignore b:chuckle
Hi again! I'm curious if there has been any additional info on the problem for Demon Storm Dance? I'd pray that an additional damage number isn't too terrible to fix on China's end b:chuckle
I suppose you're one of the ones who benefited, then.
The amount of Supply Tokens that some people got on my server is ridiculously unfair. Upwards of 35k+ tokens means you can get your NW upgrades and never need NW again. That is supposed to take many, many weekends. b:angry
Storm Dance is definitely not an upgrade, upon further testing, and for the high high cost of 60 Primordial Bloods, that is awful. I would love any response whatsoever, even if it's working as intended
Yes, definitely thank you! I was so very much looking forward to this skill b:sad
Thank you, Alexis. That sounds a lot more like what happened. You're very right, pvp has too many variables. Also, thank you for the quality corner post! b:kiss I sure hope it isn't intended
As a self-proclaimed Mystic master, I wanted to add my two cents: MissCherie, Cragglord is NOT a crapplord. He was my BEST DD option on level ? bosses, bar none, until I got high refines on my T3 wand. What Mystics forget to do is level Cragglord past level 1 b:laugh he may not be great at level 1, but he is AMAZING at…
Thank you for the attempt, Surtr! But, I'm afraid I'm not sure that was the intention. It now states: Demon version reduces the channeling time by 10%., and it shows "Channel 0.54 seconds", a reduction of 10% from .6 seconds, the original channel time for the skill. I am pretty sure that was not the intended effect,…
Huzzah! Thank you very much! b:pleased
Demon Cragglord genuinely does not do the stated effect Demon Cragglord will *never* cost only 1 spark, it will *always* cost 2 sparks
I like to play with the sound on, so the lack of sounds in Primal World annoys me. The music sometimes plays Archosaur's music, but most of the time it's silent. The mobs don't really make noises, so they're silent too. It makes for a very creepy mysterious area, if you wish to look at it in a positive light
Raging Tides is currently unplayable
I don't know exactly why people don't use Cragglord. Note: I've loved Cragglord since he was level 1, and I prioritized leveling him always. He's now Demon Cragglord! b:victory For me, Cragglord does an INSANE amount of damage to level ? Bosses. Sure, I can Energy Leech Storm Mistress, then Triple Spark for nice damage,…
True. That's always nice. I've actually been starting my own squads recently since I'm getting so sick and tired of being ignored for things. Ok, I have to agree on that: Mystic is very active if you want to be good at it. A lot of people just can't handle it. Hehe. I wish others had your view on Mystics. I dunno...I mean,…