Erradicator - Harshlands Arc User


  • Reading such thinks made me **** off. I, as wizard, never died (except when i was laggy or got disconnected from server). But never died due to "being a wizard". I can even say more: monsters barely can't hit me. If your wizard dies, it's due to two options: you don't know how to play a wizard (play better as a Venomancer)…
  • @anwynd: as i told, only certain guild ranks may take items from the guild bank, so it's supposed that only your well know friends have the rank to do that. That is something like Bladespell says. But afterall, it's commonsense not to leave very valuable items in a public place . Temtation is sometimes stronger than…
  • I am with you. In my opinion, this is a must-have for all action MMOs.
  • I never used Ptifall/Crown as a damage dealer or even a support DOT (except those times i was bored and/or wanted to try them out). I even don't leveled them more than 1. The reasons: i use Crown as a finisher, so i use them little times, and i don't need to lvl that spell because even if i level it up, the instant damage…
  • This is not really a problem i have in-game. I dunno where to inform this, so i think this is the best place to do it. In the game tips, in the loading screens, a tip says something like "check the calendar and the shcedule". The word "Shcedule" is not correct. The correct form is "Schedule". Cya.
  • I made calculations of damage with LA and robes, and with LA, at lvl 100, with normal set (no epic, legendary or so), i lost arround 22% damage, that is not a small number. On the other hand, a bare (ie, not socketed) LA armour grants 2306 pdef and 4411 resistance, but robes gives 578 pdef and 7408 resistances. I know that…