TITTYS IN MAH FACE!!!!!! everyone sing along!
true as this may be its at their BOSSES whims not their own, theyre just doing what their bosses tell em.
really? why not just call them monthly greed packs and get it over with? this game is quickly becoming a joke like another MMO i can think of.
well barbs are the best tanks. if you want a tank that LOOKS like a female then roll a bm you can pm me for a tank build if you like ive never had any problems tanking most bosses.
thx for the info
no one knows a spot?
you personally dont need it considering how much drama you cause instead of leveling.
hows that an issue? its animation stops big deal, its not like it can be exploited for unlimited coin.
2 weeks no sale? omg i think pw execs just killed themselves for even letting that thought cross their mind. theyre greedy get used to it, the rich get richer and the noobs get pwnd
he is somewhere in pw that is all you need to know.
yup the biggest waste of coin in the boutique is back
if they bring them back i predict a massive lag reduction due to so many people leaving. greedy **** pw execs need to pull their heads out of their asses and do somethin for the players not there wallets b:angry
then why the hell is everyone saying it was fixed in last patch b:surrender
frilly ceremonial set ftw? and nah dont feel bad lol i love her more than anything and she buys me gear in return for clothes.
try relogging, sometimes it lags so bad you needto relog and itll load it up for ya
what he said
honestly, who gives a ****?
theres always someone who has to cry and whine about something new. suck it up and deal with it jeez.
sigh lets just get down to the point. you die thats no ones fault but your own, dont take it out on the tank or cleric they can only do so much.
just as gold price start goin back down....BOOM! another outrageous spike do to an unwanted sale the wrecks the non cash paying players.
like i said before there would be PWI rehab centers just like the other rehab centers
nah GMs are the leprechauns of PW and would never do something like that.
dunno that one. maybe it was a question between them for "who ordered the salmon?"
it was about flipper.
next thing you know there will be rehab clinics for PWI as well as [removed]
im sure we have some here who already tried that
i hate when they say HH cuz HellHound always comes to mind ><
it would be bad. lag is bad enough in arch from all the devilshops
why not both? hell you could even have karaoke in vent while grinding.
awww cmon spoons, you would be my bestfriend if you hung out in game as a GM.