Hmm then how come it shows that I have 12 def levels when I use my def buff(forgot the name, gives 11 def levels at lvl1) and I only have bladed fervor at level 2? EDIT: just checked sorry thought it was 11...actually adds 12, thanks for the info!
Lmao! thats exactly what I was thinking!
I've been getting the swimming fish lag as well. I got the GTX460 with i7-740QM, 8gb ram and am having these problems as well as of late ( in relation to the latest Drivers available). I also get the extremely low fps at character select screen as often as I get the slow fish. I thought I was the only one that this was…
I don't even...but thanks for the laugh.
typing on the internetz...srs bsns. Anyways... Yea that sounds like an awful situation. I mean to do it unwined it already a hassle, but by yourself and then have them criticize you for not clearing the two mobs up front is too much. A lvl 81 veno should know that instance by now and should be able to take on those two…
Yea you guys already explained the gist of it already. Random colors = higher chance of buying pigments = more money for PWE I always picture it like I'm walking into a clothing store, picking out what I want and what colors I want. Then at the register, the cashier takes my clothes, lights it on fire, releases a…
I really dont know if this has already been discussed, but i dont want to look through all these pages and search function sucks b:surrender But has the Dex/str for assassin been discussed already (not talking about builds, im sure no one really knows yet)? Asking Since it will wear light armor, but use those daggers. Only…
Your cool. /sarcasm
yea hehe i noticed that after but didnt bother to edit the post, but thanks for noting that ^^
on pvp servers, we are required to make sacrifice offering to the PWI Gods, and therefore the ritual of 1000 slayings commences, wherein we must seek the blood of others to offer to the PWI Gods, to withhold them from unleashing thier wrath upon our land.
Hardly a necro, since post before that one was only 12 days before but ill agree the thread is pretty much done, perdition and BiD = hardest hitting skills in game
i meant to comment on this pic a while ago...but something about it just catches my eye...its very intriguing >.< looks like some kinda of media pic or something to me, its so good , awesome ^^ and very nice pics to the rest of you as well :)
O_O lolwat if you want a pet you have to buy a baby egg from someone aka catshop or auction you need to fly to get to lolas box, you should be 30+ and have gotten your flying sword
very pretty character hope :) 5/5 for you wish i hadnt had lost all my screeniesb:sad
this one 8x veno kept two shotting me everytime he saw me out of safezone( i think i killed his alt and wanted pay back) He was obsessed with killing me xD, so one day outside secret passage i was in a squad having pk fun with another squad ( was pvp for fun, and we were all around same lvls) when the veno shows up and…
most expensive thing i dropped would probably be a stack of around 30 mid mats i was carrying back to my bank. I was attacked and decided to attack back...i lost b:laugh other than that, mostly pots or more mats
I love how people judge and generalize an entire server by the people who post on forums or biased opinions. (Considering the ratio of people who play to people who post here) Seriously, this is why most people dont even bother arguing with the nonsense on here. If you were to place the people from PVE servers on a PVP…
b:laugh very nice glitch indeed
i lol' does this happen xD
welcame to teh interwebsb:thanks and answers previously posted somewhere ^ there, or past page Sucks sometimes when the new players dont realize what they are getting into when they choose servers :(
*sigh* this is what you would normally call a troll post. Its meant to be funny, not serious genosuke :P i enjoyed it a bit :)
this actually made me laugh xD
get the raid >.< too many bugs i thought pwi just hated me when i tried to use those same filters good to know it wasnt just me
thats one thing i love about this game, the customization ive seen chars that look 65 and some that look 16 to me, the lion barbs look the oldest, while the panda looks maybe youngest? tiger and wolf are like in between
piggie back ridesb:laugh
haha i liked it :D hope you make some moreb:victory
if i see a red name and i decide to kill him/her, its makes me a *****? what kind equation is that? *rolls eyes* durrrr lets see, a possible chance to get, what? free drops!?!? no wai!! let me pass up this chance and not be a "*****"!! cuz all the kool kids say its not koolb:cry btw i do both, pk when i know i have the…
now its a real party b:laugh i want to see wet t shirt contests! nao!!
thanks goodness, i thought i was the only one b:avoid