Enina - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • PDT, PET, EST... Am I the only one who wish that PWI would add GMT as well? b:sad (is tired of trying to figure out the time on the server)
  • The return of the anniversary packs, as has been said, is utterly pointless. All it tells us as players is that PWE does NOT care about its players at all, but only on whatever number is on the bottom line. To add insult to injury, the anniversary packs have given out the Lunar Glade weapons - items that were nearly as…
  • Skimming through the entire thread, one of the things that strike me as a "point" from the "too bad you didn't get it people", is that we didn't get a free item in time before it was pulled. When I got my genie first time, I was happy with it. Fed it tons of exp and precious spirit that I had otherwise saved up for my 79…
  • I fully agree with the majority in this thread. Pulling a quest, at the same time as actually updating genie descriptions, is a very, very bad move. In a long list of bad moves. I like PWI. Heck, I like it. It's the first MMORPG that has managed to keep my attention for more than a month, even considering the amount of…
  • I didn't read through all of the post, but I have to admit that personally, I prefer a barb as a tank, too. Only because they are somewhat better at keeping aggro in an equal-levelled squad. For general attacking of stuff and wiping out a dungeon of patrols, though, my (and I think most clerics') personal dream is two or…
  • Wizards. Definitely. The most squishy class in the game, and the very definition of a glass cannon - high damage, but dies from being poked with a stick. Venos is one of the easiest classes, only because you work from the sidelines rather than in the middle of it all like the other classes.
  • ... Revive your pet, Kobra. And to the OP: The rare pet spawns are indeed camped. And you need tons of -chan gear, or insane luck, if you want a chance at the rare pets. Mostly because people will often send their pet in to attack as well, so that if their tame fails, the rare pet will die and thus others will not have a…
  • Oh, I know! Let us get one of those fancy lists of "accepted" words, so we have to communicate by clicking through a massive list of accepted words and phrases! That way, we can completely eliminate the need for anyone to actually type, which also removes problems with language barriers (everyone HAVE to speak english),…
  • Every time, as Karst said, you send a new ticket, you get kicked to the back of the queue. Send one ticket, then wait for the reply. I've rarely had to wait for more than a week for a reply. Also, keep in mind that if you send just before the weekend, it can take some time for them to get through the queue of tickets to…
  • ... BUY THE DAMN MATERIALS INSTEAD!! You don't have to hunt down every piece on your own - you CAN buy all of them from others in the game. Trust me - if there's something you want, there's someone who will sell when given sufficient amounts of virtual money. And if you're going to whine about how "it costs an arm and a…
  • The current level cap for PWI is 105. The game's acclaimed official level cap is 150. With that including every single version of the Perfect World game, including the bootlegged copies that circle on illegal servers.
  • ... What the fish is a "mystic"? Also: You cannot "go" to any server. The characters are locked to the specific server, so if you want to switch servers, you have to make a new character. And... there's no server called "15"...
  • We have to keep in mind that thanks to the "international" tag, most people think of this as a truly international game, and thus we have people from all languages and countries. Which makes filtering even worse. A perfectly innocent word in one language might seem like an attempt-to-bypass-filter name and cause a ban.…
  • RB boosts attack speed, channel speed and attack/magic power. The effects are fixed, and level does not affect it. BB cuts all damage taken in half and provides a steady heal every 5 seconds. The healing strength depends on your magic attack. BB = mandatory for higher level bosses, AOE-bosses, situations where a giant…
  • These orbs, and specifically which one you can have dropped for you, depends on a choice you made waaaay back at level 50-ish with two dark towers near Etherblade. The tower you flew to determines which orb you will hunt for. What you need to do is to find someone who needs the -other- orb. So if you can get the fire orb,…
  • Depending on the level, anything will work, really. Spark (or double/triple spark) eruption + almost any skill will result in a dead person. For coup de grace, the cleric can have thrown a debuff at their enemy to reduce magic/physical defence; allowing further damage to be dealt. But, overall, Tempest / Razor Feathers are…
  • Regular repairs are determined by your gear's endurance. If the endurance drops below maximum value (it'll say something along the lines of Endurance: 45/95), then you can repair the gear for a coin-fee at almost any trader. The endurance of gear is reduced through 'wear and tear', meaning that if you get hit by anything,…
  • To elaborate: You need a Male and a Female Wedding Pack from the Botique before you can get married. Each costs 30 Gold.
  • having a single skill, no matter what kind, in your macro will not work. All skills have a natural minimum cooldown, and that one is what breaks the macro when you start it.
  • It's brilliant for testing skill ranges on in three dimensions. b:chuckle
  • yes. It's a good weapon. But take a gander at the materials you need... ALL of the 4 preceeding weapons. So, yes, it's a great weapon, but for the money it'll cost... Suffice to say you can afford to refine your old gear to do the same damage long before you'll be anywhere near the cost of that level 100 weapon.
  • In before the "OMG WE GET A NEW FB109" posts. :D (also, I still want to get access to the Mushroom Island south of Dreamweaver)
  • Well, it's simple enough. Run ahead of the cleric = no heals. If you cannot keep up, then they have to wait for you to catch up before they try to see if their skull can be used as a shield. It's simple enough, really: Cleric > Tank > main DD > whatever else the cat dragged along in the squad. No matter what happens, the…
  • ... maybe Warsong City is the FB109 "souped up" to be a special instance? And when/if we get the level cap raised and actually see some level 109's, we find that Warsong City can be opened by a level 109 only to bring in a squad for the FB?
  • Actually, BB is a constantly channelled skill. It's not a single-cast one like Stream of Rejuvenation or such, but instead provides a constant healing for a constant drain of mana. So - while BB is less prone to being interrupted than normal skills, it still can and will get interrupted if you get hit by something and make…
  • Well, to give the opinion of a pure-cleric person on these so-called "unneeded classes"... I must say that I prefer barbs for taking on equally-levelled instances. The reasoning is that I can stack a ton of heals on them, and generally keep the group tanker alive. Also, the tank can usually take on a ton of mobs at a time…
  • I have not tried the wedding candy quest yet (being unmarried and not having found any candies in cat/cow shops), but the 10 million coins quest gives you a little, droppable(!) slip of paper that you can sell to any merchant for 10 million coins. Basically, it's an easy way to make a nest egg, seeing as you have to bring…
  • I'm outright evil in groups. I cry "REBUFF", and give people about 10 seconds to scamper close before I buff. If they aren't nearby, too bad, they don't get buffs until either A) they die and get revived (which only happens once the area is -fully- cleared of mobs) or B) I do a security-rebuff at a boss, or C) the buffs…
  • Honestly, it depends a LOT on your defences vs. your level vs. your health. I used to use pure pdef shards in my gear, which did allow me to take quite a beating despite having absolutely zero points in vitality (okay, 3 points, then... Still very low). Thanks to the help of my old guild, we calculated that I gained…
  • Stream is a lot more powerful than Ironheart at higher levels - but it costs an arm and a leg in mana, so stick to whatever is sufficient to keep the tank alive. However, in emergencies (say another monster decides to join the fray, and your Ironheart was only -just- enough), Stream can provide a powerful influx of healing…