I want a siggie made by you. D: I will just have to wait until i'm unbanned in game to get the pictures. :3
When was I ever taken? o: And I have to post on this character because they won't unbann Niightmare even though the ban says it will be lifted on July 4th at 6 PM... it is July 4th and it's 6:02 PM. b:angry
*noms chicken* :3
Lol wut? *imagining that scene in Austin Powers where he makes all those robo's explode* Ikr. You are a lucky, lucky man ;D Wow, way to go, posting on the wrong account. *facepalm*
The text is a sekrit D:< And I blame the "fall into water and tried to dry it" thing on the fact that my photoshop won't let me open/save .png files for some reason. (i would reinstall to fix it but my brother's stupid ex stole my CD's for it -.-) So i have to save the original picture as a jpg and then save it as a jpg…
VenusArmani - I like the after better. The hair compliments her more and the thinner eyebrows looks nice. I'm not a fan of the eyeshadow or lip colour but that's just silly details. xD Overall, I give her a 4/5. She looks like an exotic princess.. or something. b:chuckle Got my sin some new fash the other day. I enjoy it a…
I would rather have high gold prices than high token costs. Gold you can go without, but if you want to do anything in the game without a charm, you prolly need hp foods. b:surrender I don't mind that the packs are always on sale... It makes it nice for me to pad my wallet when I decide to charge some zen since gold prices…
I still love it. I never reached any levels past 90, so I basically agree with what Lenie said. I haven't stepped foot inside nirvana yet, and I really intend to get my sin in there one day before they close the servers. I don't see how people are QQing that you can get to 100 in a week... I've been trying for like 2 now…
I love the colours, lizrau, and the quote is so garsh darn cute. b:cute I think the char should blend in a lil more but other than that 5/5 :3 And I love asians too. b:chuckle
You did that question on purpose, Frankie, you jackass.
Uhm... the tokens in game are not used for the Token Shop. You get tokens for the token shop via compleleting achievements, such as leveling a character to 40, or doing 100 quests, or staying logged in for x amount of hours.
Lol all they did was move it to the right subforum, which is Cashshop Huddle
Lol no. PVP wise it does get really tough. It's very unbalanced for an archer endgame, if you don't know what you're doing. Robe classes can go down in a few seconds if you can avoid the assumed skills. Clerics can IH stack, plume shell, etc. Wizzies have the phys def buff, and ... I'm not even sure what psy's do, but I…
It better be new instances/landscape changes. b:angry
Happened to me too (as far as the waiting for approval). Kinda made me PO'd but i went to the store and when I returned, the zen was in my wallet. I did check my email for the confirmation email they said was sent, I did get an email. Are you sure you are using the right email address? It was a lil weird cuz I have charged…
3/5 kaste... I love the picture but that lil tiny font hurts my eyes. b:cry And the text on my sig is purposely made hard to see, it's a secret shhh. b:surrender
Yeah, Dorset's makeover is sooo cute, and i'm really jealous of that fash. b:chuckle
I'm bored of magic classes, that's all I ever play in any mmo.
Eh. I might have around 16mil worth of stuff. If not, it's close. I have 5mil in coins, almost 8mil in gears, and prolly around 5mil in female fash, lol. Pm me on letmeblossom on DW server sometime if you get this and want to trade. Also, I'd rather have coins in return for the trade. want to buy zan a champ scroll
I actually have a sin on HT that has some nice interval gear. It's not my main concern, and I prefer DPH over DPS. Although I might try for 5aps if I happen to hit 100 on her, so Zan and I could duo nirv. o.o Atleast that's his plan lol
**** stole mah fish. You know how. b:cute
During the next 2x event... where it will be 2x the love and friendship and glitter and all things girly. b:cute But don't worry i'll make it enjoyable for you too. :D
Yw b:mischievous Oh don't forget you blew 2 hours at Pierced Heart Lake with me today, and then listened me go over our friendship journal of epicness. That tops it ALL :D
Fixed b:cute wubsyou
Lol i was kidding. b:surrender And i'm not going for 5aps on my sin. Rank top and interval dags and maybe bracers if I feel like farming them, but not gonna be all about 5aps. Unless zan wants to get me it :D
Worked, had a friend over for the weekend, got some dental work done. in my offtime i had zan run my sin through some fcs and hung out with him and some other people :3
Not infront of the child! Also, the US was more excited about the wedding than the UK, I think we fantasize princess's and princes too much. Also, yahoo was blown up with the wedding the morning it happened. -_- Dumb. I actually like to read... news that happens in my country?
I see hundreds of sins running around with deicides on. I am currently looking into it for myself.
Lol he looks like Grim. b:chuckle The Black eyeshadow is hawt <3
b:cute Dakuken <3