At level 24, spending a bunch on gear is hardly worth it - you could conceivably be level 30+ in the matter of only a few days, depending on how much you play and how you play. If you're buying store stuff, just check the AH and cat shops and maybe spend a little more on some slightly better gear. But spending too much…
So funny.... we "live" in a PVE server. No offense, Zanny, but if I wanted to PK, I'd go to a PVP server. There's a reason some of us play here - not everyone has something to prove in pixel land and feels the need to beat up other kids on the playground - or get beaten up by them b:laugh And the word you're looking for,…
If you would be so kind as to add... _Kazoku_ Level 3 Seeking any class, any level, as long as you're active :) Leader: Darkir Director: Ginabomb Marshals: Luchii Reya Veno_Galore BakaRed Executors: Arealla badboys Choze DivineShield (or FireFaux) Ninja_Hammer rjwashere Shadowstitch Solinarie suntoshiro Venoriffic…
b:laugh Yes, some of us still do quests :P I use the veno to escape occasionally, to do some mindless questing on a toon most people don't know, that's all. I refuse to spend a dime on the veno, so hyper stones, oracles, or esos are out of the question. I don't play her to level her, just to have a change of pace :) I…