EmP - Harshlands Arc User


  • with gold at 220k on HL i doubt it will ever get lower than 180k at this point
  • my point exactly. " The only difference is they will then be buying even more zhen, as each gold don't have as much buying power as previously" by setting a AH cap gold sales will actually go up based on ur theory. so how would that not benefit them as well as players. more zen being bought, affordable for non CSers
  • LMAO yes tear. there are tons of vids of botters on HL. i guess the formula is something like this: 1-40 quests will do, 40-60 oracles, 60-75ish zhenning and 75+ bot ur **** off until u get caught. take a 3 day break/ban and repeat lmao
  • I agree. the only true way to fix the economy is to set a max at gold sale at this point. ending a sale isnt gonna bring prices down that much. like Starr previously state: gold has been high ever since the first jolly jones event. not only has jolly jones screwed the economy but those damn oracles screwed the lvling on…
  • the logic isnt flawed. would you rather spend all the money u used to cube and end complete with no coins or try to gain back at least 400k of what you spent. it makes perfect sense. assuming u get great luck first run through, u buy 1 bully, 1 robber, 2 try luck rooms and perfect hammer. 1mil will cover the hammer, both…
  • 1) u can get to 79 in 2 months if u have the time 2) jolly jones isnt the only reason gold is as high as it is. in the past 1.5 weeks we've had charm packs, dragon orbs, mounts land and air, fashion, misc box drops, zen sales, battle packs, and jolly. ALL of these have pushed gold prices up. GA and mirage stone prices have…
  • for white names, yes. but think about kos events, massive/group pvp. When u go to HT, SP, Hidden, the swamps, or any wraith event in any pvp server there is always a MASSIVE pvp event lol. that 4% will start to show ALOT
  • The binding charms that were bought previous to this patch are wasted. Reason being is cuz they were purchased so that the chars wouldnt have to buy GAs. And since im sure people dont want their gear to shatter (repeated shattering is expensive) they have to buy GAs even tho they bought binding charms so they wouldnt have…
  • Tearvalerin, I believe the issue is with those who have already bound their items. It doesn't affect as many on ur server as it does on the PvP servers(more pkers obviously). The PvP servers just got screwed over big time. for all those 9x+ chars who have bound their equipment so they don't have to buy dolls repeatedly…