Wow, thank you very much. Guess my budget is a bit low. Looking at your list, how is it possible for Warriors to get 5.0 sparked with no tome? (since they have no rank top ._.)
PvP Barb- Zechs PvE Barb- n/a PvP Veno- Korren, Breathe PvE Veno- n/a PvP Cleric- Kuyaa (still plays?) PvE Cleric- yoohooo PvP Archer- VVind (inactive?), Marzenia PvE Archer- Vietxtcguy, Shinzoko PvP Wizard- Amour PvE Wizard- Elayne PvP Blademaster- TiTeo, Calvin, VVarrior PvE Blademaster- NyKage PvP Assassin- QuickClaw,…
You should really be supporting your party, aka healing/buffing, not metal maging. Also the video was full of ganks, lacked real pvp, and random parts where you slowed the video for nothing..?
this is true.
What better wf/ep do they have? Daikoku lost most of his +10 gear, Kuyaa went MIA.
lol^ 10char
Just thought I'd point this out again :)
Actually, last week it was not that close in KamivsSpectral. You got crystal to 30% but then people were going "oh we won" so I guess people slacked off. In the 70 seconds that followed the Victory/Defeat before you got teleported out, yes the crystal got to 5%.
I agree, putting random faces in threads is just a bit pointless. (This is not meant to flame MagicHamsta or to start a flame war)
I burst out laughing when I saw that pic.
At level 70, you get a long chain quest called Wraith's Ploy to get the 1st map (old heaven's tear) at level 90, you get more chain quests (ending in GV) to get each of the next maps: Unicorn Forest, Valley of the Scarred, Moonshade Desert.
YaKuZa. 5 coins. b:cute
I agree, it would be nice to have unlimited.
My pickaxe.. well.. like 10 of them. Also, some pots and herbs. b:chuckle
I was lagging.
Wizard. Distance shrink is great for kiting.