Elven_archer - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • yea archers rocks and repairs arent a thing(not like sins that repiar like ****) then only what i repair most is my bow(xbow sometimes)then archers rocks even when idk how to fully controle aggro(wel if foe walks to me im doomd and enad to stop attacking to let a barb or so take the aggro back whail i shot my arrows at the…
  • idk mijn nearly never miss (migth be coz im fuking ing noobish archer that always spend mony regeting qear i sould for once stay at sweet archer) wel it misses 1 twice but always on 3e and 20e or so hehe wel coz of high lvl(56 and yes this icon < sucks its not updated) wel gl any archers
  • yea i kinda can keep it full but most likey i get last shot (dam lag) it hits its lower then the normal even when shell is off but stil awosme skil to have kinda i grindend withuit armor with it(and yes WITH UIT ANY **** PICEA OF ARMOR coz i was poor) and it done fro 300+ to 72- ) then shell is best skil ever made =)
  • you mean even when ther is dollar on the screen of the card where i put numbers and so on in i wil stil can pay with euros and get say if i pay 10 euro i get 10 gold(idk how much zen i wiil nead for enugh for watcher of skies and some extras for some coins i lost lol how can i lose coins just bye droping<off topic) wel…
  • weli got question i done all the stuff(even kild generel fang) but i cant get the part with palac of nirva dont get any stuff for it ider from elder 9im lvl 54) do i nead to be lvl 55 to do that quest chain or it most have go fother after i kild him and talkd back to elder thank you and nice guide
  • nice but i mean the best guide i ever seen about 1 quest chain (lol so sweet ) but got question do this foes in palace of nirva can en archer kick ther ashes of (lol idk) then im pritty weak(lol i cant pay for perfect hammer for nice bow =( KU8T JULIE GAME MAKERS) lol stil nice quest chain
  • who on earth shal make sin with heavy armor lol ha is for barbs and bms(sometims for venos if us the fox form but can us la to) sins arent meant to tank (expet if shadow form was hier heheh best skil ever {GUILDWARS}) then til then sins are meant to shot in ligthing speed bring up en holy **** fast and mp heavy attack…
  • wel what is it then.(played both) and sin just sucks idk what thos ppl in the makers of game think but the sin the make sucks moor then a sin in guild wars or so. if i kil a foe (lvl 47 hehe higer never maked) i would kil foe faster with archer then with sin and the stealth isnt that good at all yes you can sneak up ppl at…