Elusive_Herb - Archosaur Arc User



  • yes, a lord of the rings quote was such a despicable move by me lol. honestly guys? think about that, if that doesn't say it all i don't even know what to do or say or how to finish this sentence even. and the picture? that picture was posted how long ago? even before most would say we had any chance to do well this…
  • did you just try to insult me by not only looking up my picture, but saving it too so you could make a video out of it? i'm actually concerned that you wanted me on your desktop that badly b:shocked, i think you need to relieve your man crush by trying to score it with the opposite gender for once hahaha turned off, but…
  • lol thanks for being my liaison and typing everything i said on vent in gc b:thanks awesome video btw, you are really improving as a wizard
  • sack up, get an avatar and lastly pay homage to those that can actually troll you worthless sausage jockey. "brent40" rofl this guy really serious?
  • It was long, hard, and of course a lot of fun. I'm not going to say I feel bad world chat got a little colorful ,because honestly it goes both ways and I can't blame my members for returning the favor, but I'd like to clarify something. This is just a game, at the end of the day we all contribute to the larger scheme of…