I was not quite sure about the 11x17 rule, but seems it does not matter, because sparkliesoft's uploaded example and the ones which got on facebook were different sizes, so hope I can compete with all these beautiful entries. Server: Morai Model/Character: Ellayth My entry:…
There's one thing I don't fully understand... so will this be design contest (as in create your own fashion with photoshop) or just fashion screenshot event?
New looks new inspirations.
One of the older ones. Hands of psychic have always somehow been a problem for me, they always look odd!
The Church. The details are breathtaking!
Sorry but I could not hold back without an answer to this... Hot, I think you are joking? Do you have a bad memory or you are trying to make people forget what kind of person you really are? You think telling lies will make majority to forget your words/actions? I try to respect every person and not to judge them but I…
Choose the HD quality on the youtube settings and it will turn out to be way better:)
HUGE Thanks to everyone in Requiem who made it happen. I am very proud how the video turned out to be! Love you all <3
So I found a solution for this problem! (yay) The only thing you need to do is change one file. So go to Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International\element\data and replace the file. Just ask someone to send you (hopefully one who doesn't have this bug). And then it works perfectly. :o enjoy your…
But why then after DCing (or just on regular basis) I cannot login to Morai, getting message of "Unable to connect to server" for 5-10-15minutes or more and at the same time I can logg in to Arcosaur server ect. and play there smooth. ;/
It's a different bug for sure. Because it doesn't matter how I enter (with squad, alone or anyhow else) I cannot move even from base, clicking on the battles has no effect. There are no error messages, no reaction. But i can walk around in base freely, and leave the Nation Wars if I want to. Really hope it get's fixed soon…
Hello, I have been experiancing alot of connection problems to Morai server recently. The biggest problem is that sometimes I can logg in to any other server, but whenever I try to logg myself into Morai, it says "Unable to connect to server". On the other hand my it usually happens when my internet connection is unstable…
Hello I am having the same issue LraZ has mentioned. Whenever I try to move to a battle, it doesn't react at all. Entering the NW, refresg button, map, walking in base and anything else - works, but when i click on the land, it seems like my mouse would be broken. It is not a lagg issue as I had 144 (smooth) ping and 42…
This is very disappointing how PWI treats it's players sometimes. It would be fair if the old players would get unbanned.