SweetieBot what is the best pack in the game?
SweetieBot do you agree that the joy scroll is the worst pack in the game?
SweetieBot please open 2000 Joy Scroll
SweetieBot please open 200 Joy Scroll
SweetieBot please open 100 Joy Scroll
SweetieBot please open 100 Joy Scroll
Has nothing to do with that. The whole west coast server was down along with thier website. Nothing to do with gamebugs or crashes. Don't talk for others or compare your terible at it.
Sweetiebot, open 500 Anniversary Packs for me!
Sweetiebot, open 10000 Anniversary Packs for me!
Sweetiebot, open 7000 Anniversary Packs for me!
Sweetiebot, open 5000 Anniversary Packs for me!