Eliathel - Lost City Arc User


  • Which is perfectly fine, but does that help you to become a better player? No, it doesn't prepare you for futures TT, which is a shame if you ask me. You're left out of half of the content because you don't get people to do it with you.
  • That's why I was asking, starting as low level gets hard to obtain items to start... even if it's HH60 seems easy but why no parties :(
  • BM and Sin it is!
  • Then BM+Sin will be I guess =) Let's hope we get lucky!!!
  • I guess ill have to try, lets hope HL is a nice place!!
  • I know there's content, but if there are no 60-70 to **** around, how are you suppose to get your gear... yes, you can buy it, but if you don't train, you'll never know how to get by in most situations, you have to die to learn
  • Ah, then you can farm a lot but need endgame gear, it's not like 2 sins 60 can go in TT one alone and do it!
  • Sins soloing, wow, never thought about it... Were doing BM+Sin as far as I can tell, we already have a Cleric, so that won't be a problem. How major worry is coin, of course :P May I ask what it's so special that can solo instances? They can leech life?
  • I like to be competitive and be on the edge of new things, I don't think I can do that when everyone is 105 :S
  • What new releases?? My friend likes anime-looking games, that's why we picked PW
  • Thanks for all the suggestions! My friend likes PVP, I was considering a PvE server, I think most of the time you find more mature people there to have a laugh/enjoy the game. Actually all of you are from PvE servers if I'm not mistaken. Are TW still up? Do people even try to get territories? I tried a few of them back in…
  • I've heard sins and bm are most wanted... not really sure what to take! I was thinking about sin+bm since they level faster, but I don't really know, I don't know these new classes at all, so I'm not sure what a mystic, seeker can do Barb is off the line, their repair costs are outrageous
  • I think I'll go BM+Sin, my friend likes PVP so he can rolfstomp people. And I think it will be easier to Aoe a bit with my sin. We got a cleric as already levelled, so heals won't be a problem or buffs.
  • So PW is over then? No more people around, nothing to do... it's another pve game
  • PVP thats for sure, im not sure if i should go HL or LC, LC is old, I m having troubles finding people to party with no one around my level :S
  • Better than BM+Sin? I'm looking for best combination while having great endgame. How about the state of PVP, is any good in LC?
  • Thanks, I'll speak to my friend about this. Levelling will be easy since I've got already a 76 Cleric, so perma buffs+heals for bosses is gonna be easy ! I'm not sure how those classes work, but we can always learn new things xD
  • I guess that means tankiness+high damage and cc to protect sin then... xD Do I really need a barb? Ill be playing with a friend, the idea is to be always on together and quest together, so if we do instances+hh, whatver, will we have troubles finding groups being bm and sin?
  • Maybe a a BM and a Sin?
  • Are sins that string? All I hear is that they level so fast. One can be sin, what about barbs? I know they cost a LOT to mantain... About new classes, one could be sin what about the other? I already got a cleric, so any kind of support is a bit useless. What about barb+wiz?
  • Hm... seems interesting... I should look into this. Im looking for the best way to be effective at pk but also at TW. My main point is not losing the use of my magic weapon, so its most likely I end up using low lvl HA armor then resigning to my HH which is the one that gives me my magic attack. The idea of HA comes from…
  • Use search button, theres a thread faq about genies. In shor terms: 4 types or genie, four colors. What changes is the attribute that starts with 15 points. Could be 15 Dex, 15 Vit, 15 Str, 15 Magic, depending on which stat is the higher, the color of genie will vary, and also their initial skill. Lucky points= every ten…
  • You could always tame a golem and level it in Cube of fate, will be a lot easier then the bee. Or use Auction House.
  • Let the pet hit first. Im pure build, all to Magic and never, never, never and never get aggro. Just let the pet attack first, then you go. Those 20 dex are going to be uselles unless you go Light Armor ob Heavy Armor Build. Vit will need to be re stat in order to go Light or Heavy Armor.
  • Im not saying that Veno LA DONT get Hp, its just that HA equip get EVEN MORE hp. Its just rational due to the fact that HA equip has always better HP bonuses. If you have more HP you will always survive more, to crit, to damage. Plus you have the advantage to swich some gear in order to get even more Mag def or all phy…
  • Its a way to make you spend more coins to get the perfect genie by buying new one through mirages stones, so you will cash shop more to have more coins and you will cash shop more to get chi stone, and you will cash shop more, well... bcs you HAVE to cash shop more, its f2p xD
  • Every ten lvl you get from 1 to 10 RANDOM Lucky Points. Every genie will always get these points, they are just random. Ofc you will need to buy millions of genies to get the PERFECT genie xD In another thread (use search button) its explained. The more Lucky points you get, the better your genie will be at end game. The…
  • Depends on server and wheter you but it from boutique or Players. From players generally its like 1 gold=100k, from AH you can buy gold at around 120k in LC or 150-160k in Harshland, dont know about other servers but I think go the same ammount, except Harshlands that it is like Cash Shopper Heaven Land For The Rich Who…
  • ehhhhhhhhh Suwaki is a wizard? What does it has to do his armor? Go troll elsewhere?......... gshhhh....
  • Im actually playing at HL server, but the game is wayyy to expensive if you dont cash shop. Ive seen also many cash shopper on HL, better choice is LC, its old server, manyyyyy items already running the streets. I think Ill go back to my cleric there, seems to be the best option Average is 160k per gold, which is insane if…