Elezara - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Hey all ~ I'm bumping this thread up again, first of all because I see several people looking for a Faction, but maybe they make a mistake in thinking all they have to do is sit back and a faction will come to them, and they don't have to bother to go looking for one. Well, I guess that's one way to do things, but a faster…
  • Hiyas, sorry I haven't been around much lately, due to Internet problems in Hawai'i (severed underseas cable) and so didn't see your reply. IceDrakes is a cool Faction/Guild and we are on Sanctuary. Try to PM me in game, or our leader Venom Kisses, or the guy who recruited me, JoeIsOurHero, or come visit our website:…
  • Aloha ~ HAPPY ANNIVERSARY everyone! Just wanted to mention that I haven't been able to receive the gifts either, after several tries, so I'd like to know how this can be resolved (or is it just a matter of waiting?) Is there a time limit to when you have to pick them up by? Also, I haven't been able to be in-game much in…
  • Aloha ~ just happened to stumble upon your post, read it and thought "Wow, someone like me!" Then I read further and discovered you are on the East Coast (I'm in Hawai'i), but that's not a problem as lots of people in this faction (IceDrakes) are on the East Coast, but then I read further and saw that you are in…
  • Aloha ~ bumping this thread, too, as this has been a great guild/faction to be part of, with many helpful and interesting people involved. Thanks for recruiting me, and may the Force be with us! Cheers! ~
  • You didn't say what part of the world you live in, which would make a big difference in any faction's people's availability times. Good luck!
  • Hiya! Welcome to PWI ~ If you decide to come onto the Sanctuary server, PM me, and I'll try and help you when I'm on. Good Luck & Have Fun! Elezara ~
  • Gonna have to agree with you on this one. I've noticed that Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter are really pimping their particular brand of **** all over the place! Seems like every time you turn around, they're throwing another "deal" on someone's table. It's just not gonna be mine. And it's not really a deal, you know.This…
  • Hiya ~ thanks, although I really haven't done anything yet, lol. btw, in order to sign up for the IceDrakes Forum, I had to reapply for membership in your Guild/Faction. So my membership is apparently "pending". This looks like a great faction, and I've had some nice chat with some of the members in game. I'm on at…
  • Hi, well that depends on what Server you're on, lol, so please post info. GL & Cheers! Elezara
  • Hi ~ I am a level 69 Arcane-Build Cleric, who is looking for a new faction to join. I used to be with Contagion, but they fell apart (twice), and the leader doesn't play in PWI anymore. Very few people left and there's seldom anyone online. So, I am looking for a fun, laid-back faction to join. I have been playing mostly…
  • Aloha ~ I am a level 68 Arcane-Build Cleric, looking for another faction to join. I used to be in the faction "Contagion", but it fell apart and I recently left. There's really only a very few members left, and usually no one at all to squad with for FB, Spiritual Culti, etc., which I could use some help with, you know, me…
  • Aloha ~ I am a level 68 Arcane Cleric looking for another faction to join. I used to be in the faction "Contagion", but it fell apart and I recently left. There's really only a very few members left, and usually no one at all to squad with for quests, grinding, etc., which I could use some help with, you know, me being…
  • Come to the Dark Side, we have cookies! Come on over to the Crime & Punishment Forum and have some fun!
  • Yep, we're alive & still kicking, so come on over and check us out, we might be just the faction you've been looking for! b:laugh
  • This video made me LOL! Cripes, now I can't get it out of my head either! Oh and btw, "Sour Grapes", just because you say someone posted this video several months ago, who cares. I had never seen it before, and looking at some of the other posters, they had never seen it before either. Or they had, and liked it, so please…
  • Very well said, Shayisha! Cripes! It seems like every time PWI comes out with some cool new thing/race/innovation (whatever), there's always a couple of little babies in the forums crying "Not fair, not fair....Waaahh...." Maybe it's NOT fair to those with such overweening greed and selfishness that they are blinded by it,…
  • yw, and the anti-idiot idea is priceless! *raises hand...I volunteer to be part of that team, lol ~ b:laugh ~
  • *Shakes head..... I just can't believe the **** that some people pull! Sorry that happened to you, dude. Yeah, I never accept random "Friend's Requests", if I haven't even met the person (character) in the game and had some interaction with them. I am always surprised at how many people randomly send me Friend's Requests,…
  • Barbs with makeup? What's next? O wait...ya'all could choose balding hair/fur for you elderly barbs out there, and maybe hearing aids and eyeglasses, eh? Jk ~ O and btw, there IS waterproof makeup out there in RL, so the Tideborn could easily be sporting that! b:chuckle
  • Well I'm a Cleric and most of the time I'm happy to help people with buffs or rez for free. But that's what makes ME happy! "To each his (or her) own." My point is: if a Cleric wants to do freebies, that's great! And if they want to charge a reasonable fee, that's fine, too. Just so it's clear at the outset, which it's to…
  • Cripes! Ya'all need to get a grip, quit whining about stuff, get out of the forums and go play in the game! Isn't that what you came here for? O wait....I forgot....some of you are professional forum trolls.....rotflmao....thanks for my daily entertainment though! b:victory
  • Ok PWI, where are the winners of the Couples Contest? It's the middle of Valentine's Day, and you guys at PWI should have announced the winners much earlier, so those in earlier Time Zones could do their weddings! C'mon guys, wake up, brush the pizza crumbs off your chests, and PICK A WINNER! Cheers ~
  • Spectacular Spoons tribute, Starchief! I posted my Spoons "Best Wishes" elsewhere, so I won't add to this, just wanted to say I liked this post; well done. Now....let's all have fun with FrankieRaye, lol ~ b:laugh
  • Welcome back to PWI Frankie! Good to have you aboard again ~ (hands you a toothpick to help you wrangle those crunchy little Trolls out of your teeth.....o wait, I'm married to one of them in RL, Saitada....face-palm, lol) ~ Cheers! b:chuckle b:laugh
  • Hey, who you calling old & forgetful! Take a look at my siggy (that Sai made me, btw) and you can see that SOME of us are just "Directionally Dyslexic", and get lost a LOT! (which I do in RL, too, lol) Has nothing to do with those little grey cells we call the brain, it's just that some of us have brains that are wired…
  • Yeah, what she said.....so, I took about a six-month break from playing, and came back for Tideborn, although I do play some of my other alts from time to time, and still occasionally play my Cleric with friends. I still love this game, just not so down with the immaturity level in here, in a lot of the players (which…
  • I like it, too. Very well designed! Now this gets me thinking about entering, too; my creative itch needs scratching, lol ~ Cheers! b:chuckle
  • I agree, and there's just no point in whining about it, it just makes you look like a little baby, honestly. Like Estasi said, if you really want to enter, ask a friend to pair up with you and kick your creativity into high gear! Looking forward to seeing the entries ~ I get so sick of all the QQing going on in here over…
  • Great post, and please don't apologize for the "wall of text". Sometimes that's necessary to get your point across, lol ~Cheers!