Ill be refering to mine as **** but im immature like that b:chuckle
"The man who thinks he knows everything, is especially annoying to those of us that do."
banned for not ending the ban war above about servers quickly enough
8/10 for being original and not using forks b:chuckle
Question: I know it was said that you had to enter all of your entries in one email, but I already sent in an entry already before i realized there was a (jumped the gun, i was excited b:chuckle). Ive come up with some new ideas, but since I already sent in an email, does that mean i cant send in anymore? I would sent the…
Doing it now b:victory Dont tell anyone b:victory
^ Banned for spelling "Synonym" incorrectly b:chuckle
no kissing then, only snuggling b:chuckle