first of all know its not me! plus idk who the hell scrubby is? i havent ever seen that person online in karma?
SweetieBot whats going on!!!
my whole bh metal squad dcced when we tried to get back online it said west coast servers where online! alot of people went thru this! not everyone but alot it wasnt just a few people! and some of us died! there should be something checked out about that! i was confused to i tried logging on my alt it said the same thing
im not sure i noticed that too i was trying to connect and then i went to server and it said all offline hmmm i was about to post and ask the same thing u did
we better not get rank 10 for at least 2 more yearS! i really thnk we should work on making the classes bettter! new skills! getting the freakng game fixed before we get new armors again! we just got stage 3 armors like 3 months ago!
just help us please!!! i mean i dont hate the soulforce and yes it makes us different but to have a good percent proc from our skills we need alot of refines! like im plus 7 all gears and plus 11 wep and my percent to silence someone is like 15% or less i forget! idk what it would be like at plus ten and 12 wep! probably…
psys def need new skills or atleast take the broke off our morai skill cause it takes too damn long i never use it and make our buffs not depend on soulforce
well then id be more happy with taking soulforce away from psys and just giving us a percent our skills will proc cause its redic we have to spend lots of money to get our skills to even work right unlike any other class! they dont depend on soulforce as much as we do ya know?
i want new classes! and the class would be more mage then it is melee !
WE might have some heheeh never know!
yea even frankies post about the server going off line was super short and like ugh yea its happening im a gm the end nothing else something wrong!!!!!!!!!
lmao well that sucks
i think they should transfer the accounts to use over here so they can keep playing! cause i feel if it happened to us! id want my account put somewhere else so i could keep going i spent to much already ya know! im 3 toons and rank 9 thats alot! b:cute
how the hell do we do this thing already and is this really true!!!!!
So they came out with an expansion that made people even more bored and want to leave faster, i mean i was already over it when half of us where pissed the skilled we actually wanted didnt come in the expansionb:cold
OMG THIS WORLD LOOKS SOO AMAZING GET ONLINE PEOPLE!!!b:laughb:laughb:laughb:laughb:laugh
Best faction on HEAVEN TEAR} DRAKON!!!! b:victoryb:victoryb:victoryb:victoryb:victory
i guessits gonna be another hour right cause it said till 3ampst and its about 2 pm that time i think grrrrr i wish i could just log in and do something!!
AFter i download the patch what do i do launch the launcher tonight and it should update it? on its own or do i have to find the patchs i downloaded cause i never did it manually!
anyways i know how the hell the forums work, and i am good psy i just want the opinions of all players cause even an experienced person asks peoples opinions!
yea i agree but i heard what u do is u join one of the 3 groups and u earn merits like in base and u use ur merits to get ur skills and armors the skills in ur new mini faction r cheaper then the ones in the opposite ones ur not in! i also heard u can join them learn the skills leave go to the other factions and save up…
I kno there arent out and i kno this isnt the psychic furum but this isnt just about psychics! i wanna kno what i can do to help my team/friends in pk and in tw so im asking for opinions if you wanted my help in tw what skills would u tell me i should get first to be more helping to my faction!!! it would be a great help…
i already have tide spirit im talking about of those new skills coming out in the expansion which should i get first!?
lol i was thinking the same thing why do charge rewards when we have nothing we wanna buy! thats the most dumb thing ever!
PSYCHICS Problems: SINS ONLY WANNA KILLS PSYS CAUSE THEY CAN! SOLUTION: Give us a buff so we can see sins! i mean they are of the same race as us we should be able to see sins for a short period of time! just to give us a little extra help! and if u think about it we r psychics we should be able to use our mind to find…
yea i was in the like in vent getting yelled at by everyone saying post this in there also!! i was like ahhhhhhh i had to go back and re edit cause i forgot to put the skill in i wanted fixed disturb soul for channeling resist on bosses! lol
- come chat with us its like furums/ or WORLD CHAT LIVE!!!!!b:laughb:chuckleb:victory
Guys get on tinychat come play with us!!! PWEEESE!
- go there heavens tear is always the most people on its soo much fun! we can all connect and make friends! i found soo many people!!! and some pretty girls always get on cam lol
hehe its good hehe