You should try Wizard if you have not already. Yeah they are squishy as hell and yeah they cast slow...but eventually they will deal unreal amounts of damage. I do not know what levels for sure but I saw a wizard one shot a barb, each one was definitely over level 60...i think...such shiny armor and weapons... But that is…
Personally i think it is the tabber's right to choose what they get from THEIR FB to a point...those who help deserve thanks and even payment if they did a good job and allowed little or no casualties...yet if the tabber wants a certain mold or 3star item he or she should have the right to it... I do not fully agree with…
Um...but i have a character on both servers.../: am i supposed to fight myself...? I do not think the world could handle that much rage in one fight...SOOO... +Sits in a recliner next to his Dreamweaver self while eating popcorn+ I'll just watch and giggle... Oh...Here I go...sorry about that... +Hands some popcorn over to…
It has said "Coming Soon" for the longest time...I do not care if I get a solid answer for when mobile payments is coming out all I really want is an estimation of about how much longer it will take to get it up and running...I am sure it is hard to do though...
Isn't that a little unfair for venos? /: I mean say they get better pets than what they have...They wasted all the money on food and training them for nothing in the end /: What is the point of that?
The thing that bugs me the most about Venos isn't just that you have to play as a girl but is the Eggs .They always list the price as 1 and in the auctioneer it is always in the millions. Like right now i have a death knight pet egg i found and I have NO IDEA what to sell it for. How do they make money? I mean if you can…
I love you...I mean i love Monster Hunter > . > yep...Giant cat companion...massive love to him > . > ...
If they bring out any mount with Battle in the name i expect them to start being able to fight...Im tired of seeing people run around on fierce animals only to see them vanish a few seconds later...Where is the panther eating some Wraith's liver out D:
Ouch XD looks like we both need them to hurry the hell up XD
Well it is 2:36am here so they had better pick up the pace...
I personally...Want this mount... BOOM NOTHING SAYS OWN LIKE DOOMTRAIN!!!
So basically...what Hillary Clinton looks like on the days she is mad at Bill...?
Ah yes nothing scarier than a Barbarian wielding a formidable and brutally large axe, other than one being packed around by a huge...cow...or a cow covered in chainsaws...Either way it will be epic...I am flying away right now D:
A new Auto Pathing System would be pretty amazing...that way we no longer walk or fly into walls while we are away from the keyboard only to find we went NOWHERE when we return...I am thinking the one in Ether Saga Online would be a lot like i am talking about...
Pity they do not do a little more work on getting the damn Phone Payment options up and running...I am sure it wouldn't take to long to achieve...Even Online has it...-_- Hell even Rhas it...If they can do it anyone can...
Hopefully it will cost less for more gold -_- when buying online it seems you get nearly nothing for so much...Though it is understandable, what with the download and ability to join being free. Also I hope it will be out before August or on October 13th (It would be one heck of a nice birthday present...)