GMs might want to check all new groovy smilie combinations.
<- BM waiting for maintenance end
This game TW is not designed for lvl 30+ ppl. Even PvE TW requires players lvl 50-60 so this already indicates that PvP TW would require that or more. Map reset now would result high levels making 10 ppl factions and taking pve lands in small groups to get 10 mil a week b:chuckle
My name is mentioned b:cute Leveling stopped already at lvl 90 b:surrender
Comment to previous one, survivability matter of build... not the weapon type itself. About weaknesses, I would say lack of aoe skills and lack of high spike damage. Short weapon range is sometimes bad too.
lvl think lvl 20 was first day, lvl 40 in 4 days and lvl 60 in two weeks. I wasn't new to the game so knew how to level fast enough.
Calculating wpn dmg isn't enough though. It seems there are differences in dmg adds with weapons. I have TT80 fists and TT80 axes and character sheet gives values 2895-3428 (avg 3161) and 3295-5791 (4543) respectively. With attack speed in effect it means following values for fists 4520 dmg / s and axes 3770 dmg / s. Fists…
Fast google: That has starting stats and stat of each attribute increase. Format is bad, but it can be figured out. Now that you have stats, fire up excel and do the math. Should answer your question. Seems like that doesn't have all…
Dude, that's conservative. You imply that everyone should have exactly same kind of "life" by first going school/sports and then continuing to "not fail" as you put it, maybe by working I don't know. No one can say what other person does with it's freetime or life for that matter (with exception of illegality, but that's…
I can't vote any faction as most hated because I don't judge factions, I judge players in it. So in a way, more bad apples in one faction, less I like it in total but I still have hope that there is good persons inside. Highest turn off to me is botting. I've seen couple 60+ players botting occasionally. I have reported…
It would be cool if the color of the faction name would reflect their color in territory map. This way list also allow players to see if they have territory (color x) or don't have one (color white). Official guild list misses some relatively large guilds but then again, they have not shown interest to be added in.
Information to complete Rebirth Order is valuable. It's not just given to everyone in forums b:quiet And yes, ppl have completed this Gamma version.
Would be cool if GMs could gather Q&A in this type of threads. Now I had to scroll down all 37 pages to see if GM answered to any questions. If GMs could while answering the questions also gather them in first post it would be easier to follow what has been answered. Also one does not have to read/skim all these flame…