No I don't think I've read up on updates and what not since about 3 months before I quit game.
Raw is a good guy,he just lacks finesse with his words lol. As for him and LoR joining Dominus, it took poking and prodding from me and raw to get lor to agree to it.She was reluctant but i think between raw being a pain in the **** and my irresistible charm,it worked.
The world would end
travelling is to expensive right now
What if packs were never sold?b:victory
I lived in Minnesota for a few years, so I know what its like to want seasons. Up there its just winter and road construction.b:laugh
I've been alright,some health problems but still alive. I honestly want summer here,but I live on the beach so I am a little impatient for warm weather.
I remember lawl.You were the first person to pk me lol.I was like level 30 and didnt know what the hell I was doing.b:laugh
wow this thread is still going? How ya doing anne?
I think all points here are moot.Its pointless and no one really gives a dam about people leaving
A very nice person passed.Sorry to hear about this,pass on my condolences.
Ms.E it seems the the longer the game goes,the dumber the new players get. As for the vid,if pk was that entertaining people wouldn't quit like they do.
TW is irrelevant.lets talk more about abuse of power.
another noob to lazy to learn to play right.
lol stalkers would say that lol
I've been sick as hell so I haven't been on much.Maybe once I get over this cold
you cannot deny the duck.Resistance is futile. For you lub the duck.
No, my bewbs.She can not deny my bewbs and she knows it mwahahaha
those kids are gonna be soo messed up lol
u guys r silly
Will do.I look forward to seeing so many over there,itll be fun
lol no worries. A new game comes out that everyones been waiting on.
*hugs mini* I told you the time would come eventually lol.I doubt many will be playing this come the end of next month anyways
You will be ok mini,you won't get rid of me that easy lol. Red,I'll have 2 lol.Tell zaph i said HI, anne
Depends on whats going on really.Busy month this month and next.
Managing to convince someone to 1v1 for an entire tw is both beneficial and harmful to your guild.It can help because there is one less R9 player out there damaging your squads but at the same time there is 1 less R9 out there damaging theirs.Double edge sword
yes I will be in wood gars dos. and I will still troll the forums.Sorry to make you sad anne,we will always have fb and the forums =D
Its been fun but to be honest I have just been putting it off.Game died a long time ago,it was just a matter of me putting it to rest lol.
Radiant adj 1. sending out rays of light; bright; shining 2. characterized by health, intense joy, happiness, etc. a radiant countenance 3. (Physics / General Physics) emitted or propagated by or as radiation; radiated radiant heat 4. sending out heat by radiation a radiant heater 5. (Physics / General Physics) Physics (of…
Thank you.Sooo are there cookies?