Will look forward to keeling ur guildies
BM's are just butt hurt that sins are dd's, but I'll still pick you in an instance to assist tank. lol Keep in mind if sins had a skill like dragon all bets would be off.
I agree with Micheal_dark. Everyone worried about the pk on LC, that's what makes it fun. Instead of just competing against A.I., you have actual people to complete against, the ultimate challenge. Also there are good guilds on LC, with people to help you learn about stating your char, getting good gear. Also protect you…
A few questions, what is gx? and which weapon line can be further upgraded after the expansion? GX are TT90 gold axe, which I love. If you are interested in the new G-15 weps you can forget about making GX, as the G-15 will be made form TT99 weps. Hope this helps.
Zerk weapons can be used for tanking, with even a decent cleric. I use zerk weapon for pvp, pve, and tanking, and have never had a problem. They do help hold agrro, especially when dd's using triple spark. Never was a big fan of calamities. GX FTW!!!
I don't know about other servers, On Lost City, unless you have a friend or good guild it's hard to get tank for TTand fb runs. Even friends and guildies will refuse, especially at higher lvl after they have their gear. Too expensive, easier to sell zen or items in AH. I have even seen wolrd chat begging for tanks for fb's…
It means you are not on pvp server like Lost City, where pk is a everyday thing. Also I think play style has a lot to do with the decision. If you plan to pk a lot go demon. The crit are hard to beat.
I agree with the barb from Haesland server. Am also tank build, but I dd when I want. I have no porblem letting herc tank. The best advice anyone can give you is, build your barb according to your play style. I know dex barbs, and have seen them tank. Just lvl ur skills as u lvl, and dd if u chose. Freak em all!!!
Later in game we do more damage. We do lvl slower, but end game lvl 89+ will be worth it.
The speed boost is nice, and you will need to lvl later with HH, and rebirth.