truth hurts, he was in secret passage pking lowbies and a few of his own guild (i remember me and ligeia at least) went and pked him back and he kept coming back out and we killed him like 3 times and raged and kicked everyone out of the guild XD b0en dropped his demon slaughter belt to kingdom sawechi dropped hh90 wheel…
worst gangplank build ever x.x i was gonna say what kinda elo is that for them to try to tank a tower, a level 3 pirate ulti and a fed pirate with heals x.x then i noticed they have a teemo and a yi and a very fail shen XD nice penta none the less
angerr here, loved the vid ;D looked like fun, I believe I saw the heaven chi skill being spammed on cooldown, otherwise it was chipots or something (haven't played in ages) but thats why BMs are meant to go heaven unlike 90% of the BMs back when I played. +1 for end music, saw RA live =D
grats lads, beast drops =D ITT: baddies who don't realize how sick bless herc is
Solution: log onto HL and do a best of 3 or something and see who is best. But tbh barbs don't kill barbs.
IP: PT: 4275 PW: alluneed new vent ftw lads Old ip address is some roleplaying vent now or something idk o_O Thats probably before the vent changed IP tbh.
- Level ranking from march 5th last year =o
Fitting for you to make a topic about legendary failures nova_ =D We still add your underscore onto the end of stuff if it fails_. good old nova ;3
Yaritai anyways it was like ascii, diablo or ayekim i think
that made me rage more, cos i had to farm it for him -.-
tbh tho you get the extra 1% mastery crit on demon, +10% for stunning arrow, +10% for sharptooth and +30% attack rate on quickshot just seems to me that archers are attack rate, crit and raw weapon damage ijs
This. Needs world grinding for world pvp.
forgot to mention it was foxform no pet =D
I think QQme is a pretty cool guy, eh brings world peace and doesnt afraid of anyone D=
h0nestly don't know who is more annoying, magichamsta or beinghope. they have got to be the biggest trolls on HL forums.
- xD It was when the game was most fun back then D: everyone had baddie gear, not much cs except a few dolls, a…
funlolz getting first 89 fairy and hell sparking everyone with npc gear QQme taking first level 2 land =3 QQme allying Crimson << epic
l2p. bad gamers imo
Antihero, what a complete legend xD So many messed up PvE ideas xD Don't think anyone would believe me if I told them: He rerolled a veno, bought it a nix, put reflect on it instead of flesh ream, grinded up and wanted to do FB59 over and over on it until he had enough darkness stamps for 8jun on his archer. And he…
what a couple b:dirty
Well the game was really fun when the server began, it got kinda worse when Crimson discovered GV and really started whoring it, then soon after that every guild is just levelling in GV, then they add the new FC. So you don't need to grind butters/fish any more, just GV, FC and oracle your levels. It kinda makes you avoid…
Basically Antihero's exact words, without the LOL on the end xD
I forgot the name of the best archer x.x he was in Sense and he sold all his refined armour and used his cash shop to +10 an HH80 gold bow and then he put 2 shabby shards in it =D and he wasn't even 80 yet xD
how is someone i've never even seen before #1 on the level list x.x
cod4>cod6 on pc
and suwaki dropped the bt and hit like 15+ people with it as they all dropped in the same place at the same time =3 apart from level 30-50 pvp, that was some of the best pvp on the server, when people tried to crash our fish and we would defend with like 6-7 people against 12+ others xD
QQme when we had ~15 members. good times @ fish and butters =3
i lol'd =D
- better quality demo xD
funny thread is funny