this should Stay like this this game is way to easy and needs some difficultly Instead make Nirvy instance a 100+ xp instance thats be nice Start to being able to raising the level cap
Sold a Santa Orb and box of candy 10/18/2012 for a million Each Just so u all know what the Prices are at on them Super rare items
_Legacy_ Level 3 with a Level 9 base Requirements Must have Fun! real Life First and 60+ Leader StarFiyre 4 year old faction Fully active with loyalty and respect
Wiat u can med with the Wings out thats Funny Let me know how i wanna just see it lol
What your Name and Link to your Faction site. plz put time into it
Hi and Welcome I wanted to make a suggestion on how to make PWI even more money. Because more money they make more items in game that i can buy with my coin :) Simple as that. Well my smallest thing in Pwi is laziness i'm hoping a Gm will just come on to say hi every now and then just to Prove your out there maybe even do…
First let me say thanks for the Post again, let me address raising of Level Cap and Current Levels. Levels Would Stay there would be a Hole New Bracket just placed on the original Level so if your 105 you would stay 105 and just have new level to master. I know is a Big Task I've played with Building Games but i think its…
Krisnda's Avatar Krisnda Modicus Adeptus Join Date: Mar 2011 Posts: 1,611 # 22 09-27-2011, 05:25 AM Closed for necro. Find the Ticket system here|Contact me |Learn to use forums Don't make me use my Troll Gun... Help us approve INI Edits, they allowed Goons so whats wrong here?! Are you for or against Game Advisors? Vote…
FC after lvl 99 i heard sucks hyper all l the way tho it will only give ya .3% so would take alot of money and time for plays to get to 105 i think they all grind and do BH's like crazy with hypers to get to 105
i dont FC more then a few times i don't do many BH i do use hypers alot but i don't Quest neither i was lvl 56 before starting my culti i was lvl 70 somthing before my frist bh and my frist hypers. I'm am and always will be a old school Grinder i just grind everyday and love it. I hate questing i hate doing long boring…
finally some people that are with me maybe not for lvl 150 but at least for a bigger map with more quest insanely hard mobs that not even a lvl 100 could even Temp to try. But I did see a valid agreement they would need to have allot of new gear making charters unbalanced even more. this is true even tho they have gear for…
Hey back to Check on this to answer a few questions. I'm not 105 yet because i play anther game and have to tend to life issues but its not because i could not reach lvl 105 i would like to experience each lvl go visit each town make sure there is not a hidden quest that one one found out ect.. you all say its hard but…