Farm high Matts, 10 of each matt = 100k - 120k. 100 of each matt at 100k = 1 mill coins. Takes couple hours depending on your wings, and if theres ppl farming the area. Happy Farming. ^^
When does the manual patch come out? I'd sure like to know.
Kagan from l2 Bartz??
I got my 51 fb kinda done too, whats messed up for the last tab i left to dragon end to get last part, came back n finished lotta good drops. But i when i ported out to town to get last tab they killed some mobs i needed and didnt get the full quest, so im stuck with an fb quest that no one wants to do cause theres no real…
When you see that message when u you start pwi screen, wait for a couple of seconds and the page should load. If it doesnt and you cannot connect, then yes plz contact your internet provider.
im patching too =) See yall in game.
Thnx b, i was hoping not about that video. I just say lets move forward, been playing mmo's for a min or two to realize this happens, unfortunately lots. Let us stop bashing on one another and get back to it guys. I have faith the GM's are doing their absolute best at this point to make things correct.
Ya know whats odd about this, is that this **** cheat when i first started the game, it was on you tube with a slight twist. So Why did it take em sooo long to fix it and why didnt anyone report it sooner? I mean the way it was explained on you tube looked really fake and thought it was a hoaxs cause part way they put a…