Dragslave - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • You are and will be missed Neth!! take care!b:victory
  • I'd tell you, but you know what you have to do b:laugh
  • Holy Path in all 8 genie spots and run as far as you can, you will never die!!
  • only for sage ones? racist post!
  • Soulforce depends on refines and levels alone, so is not an indicator on strength really, a r9 non 3rd cast +12 gear with crappy cards would probably count as stronger as others for example, talking on old toons coming back to game as example. Allies system would be the worst thing ever, killing the 1 vs 1 factions fun,…
  • I think it would be a really bad thing. Why people say its abused by alts now??? you need 2 alts fsp coins to create 1 chest with a 13% chance of an A card, thats hardly an abuse, however if you could trade them with anyone, it would mean any alt would have 2x chance of getting an A card, and also you could trade the ones…
  • Yes, OP by closeness, stand near someone OP and you will be OP... isnt that how it works??? you nab!b:laugh
  • Really hard to say, for some JOSD = best geared, for others highest spirit, for others play style makes up for a bit of lacking gear. Also this always brings drama... lets make everyone's ego happy, everyone is Tempest is OP, half Eq is OP, some few Dyna are OP and random people in rest of factions and server in general…
  • oh oh oh i know!!! i have the best most usefull and non gamechanger reward ever, also would kill the need for alts and all. After TW ends you (it doesnt matter winner or losers) get an hp charm that total value is half of total HP lost during TW. that way we cut the need for charms, we get a reward, only usefull for real…
  • Just to clarify, i only refered as TWs from that day because of your sentence about the QQ from both factions, thinking that none of them is happy with current state of TW, because when the ones who win complain, thats odd. I never even said you implied anything about Dynasty and only named Dynasty to say we had TW vs Eq…
  • I dont really think there are easy ways to even the field as far as gear gaps, and numbers. All the ideas about that are too hard or need to many tweaks in order to work. I think the solution for that should come mainly from players, fight an equal faction as yours in numbers, or if u have better numbers fight a stronger…
  • awesome! now read all dreamweaver section posts and act on it about ppl harrasing a faction they dont belong, and how they talk about officers and members of said faction.
  • "quotes Andres usual wall of lies" Ok, now in few words so you actually understand: - You mentioned your TW vs EQ and how everyone QQs over it. - I only mentioned Dynasty to say we TW'd Eq the same day before and maybe people didnt want a 2nd TW that day - I couldnt care less about Tempest splitting or not tbh - I pointed…
  • I do agree TW needs "something new". Different maps would be awesome, movile towers, or even some new kind of catapult that works in a different way. About the other stuff nothing will happen. If you somehow balance "gear" so is not so different in TW like removing spirit in TW, or making soulforce even, people would…
  • ALTS IN FSP?? THE HORROR!!! IS THAT FOR REAL??? joke joke... Ok personally as some of u may have realized i tend to do many runs and take alts in fsp. Since i have many toons in same account they all share gear, so my alts have decent/good gear and always DD on bosses, never leech About drops, since i form this are my…
  • When u become so OP, u get self nerfed Allo b:laugh
  • Trying to clarify in few words: Spawn kill = not ToS violation BUT if a faction says they have rules against spawn killing, (not saying everyone should or shouldnt) either enforce the rules or not, was fun to see people complaining on getting spawn killed and Tempest members denying it in WC, and then a video shows leader…
  • Hmm... idk how that bear got in there, i type bad ofc, but i guess i clicked it somehow, i apologize for it, wasnt intended.
  • Now is also a problem if we invite alts to our own factions? i thought dyna has not 1 but 2 alts factions according to you. Dynasty doesnt have a policy of: lets keep inactives OP ppl in faction so we can log them in TW to bot when we are getting crushed. (words from tempest members) I can understand u would think about…
  • Im sorry but i laughed so hard at that phrase!!! yeah...Dyna is the one that recruits only OP people thats why we have so many nuema portals, S cards set people, countless jade people, and all joined together... right!!! Oh wait... we dont! Dont get me wrong, im not saying u guys merging was bad, just u never thought the…
  • Just because you couldnt handle defeat or leadership or whatever reason made u merge, doesnt mean rest of the server has to. I dont speak for EQ but noone in Dynasty is interested in merging with anyone because we are a solid faction, if we win, good if we lose, thats ok If u need to devour an entire faction just to say: i…
  • Also, why the lie of Tempest had 2 squads on dyna map, say the truth, u failed to roll us with 80 at start, then leave 4 OP +12 squads, unless your squads have 20 ppl each. b:victory
  • i wont get in the middle of QQs but: Darkskies, sadly i didnt make TW video, i lagged so much that footage iis horrible, i stood there half the time with no idea what was happening around me XD DeathProof: If u seriously believe DSholder about wacky telling him to spawn kill on Tempest TW, u clearly dont know much of…
  • Well to me wizards have an up and down... The "up" part is the defense and survival. As a wizard if you are smart you can survive pretty much against any class, ofc talking at same level of gear. Between Stone barrier, arcande defense and a smart set up of ornaments or shards to boost barrier, your p.def has to be even or…
  • I agree, it sucks this all happened on the day most factions bid. Would be fair if there was no bid for anyone, or if we could get an extra day. Misakes like this always favor some people and **** up many many more, like late TW season resets, even small rollbacks, and some glitches. But one thing i learned in PWI is: it…
  • Sometimes things break, dont make it all "end of the world" situation for a few hours of not playing, and for the ones asking for compensations, remember last time they "compensate" tons of drama were created about that too, so just take a break, go out, walk for a while and get back and keep playing, dont stress over a…
  • Ill post it again since i got no answer or confirmation that is read... Sparkie i dont know if this is correct or not, but the new forges for r8r and more, seem too expensive, also no warsoul there, only morai and r8r and we never have them before, is there a chance they are the china version too? or is just really a new…
  • Sparkie i dont know if this is correct or not, but the new forges for r8r and more, seem too expensive, since we didnt have them before, is there a chance they are the china version too? or is just really a new instance that noone will run? Could you check please?
  • my spider sense is tingling... i sense incoming drama... Anyways too lazy to post, and not like anyone TW'd much this season anyways... b:laugh