Good point. I'd consider that a gray area, I guess a GM would have to make that decision whether it's really a scam or not. But I still stand to my point; if it's not (falsely) advertised, it's not a scam. The buyer wasn't given any intention (by the seller) to how much the item would had cost. Was a nice discussion,…
That's a scam alright.
It did give an advantage to those that didn't know about it. But that wasn't the issue. It was pretty much stealing money from PWE, since they'd just NPC those to get money to buy gold. I do agree it fits more into this; In any case, you're better off argueing this with a GM. They're more knowledgeable about the ToS and…
Did you not read? I didn't make those rules up. Besides, I don't justify scamming. I just said the shop in your screenshot didn't show a scam. I'm not going to spell out all my previous posts for you, just go read them again if you still don't get my point.
In this case, yes. * A true bug. * An insect or similar organism, such as a centipede or an earwig. See Regional Note at lightning bug. * a . A disease-producing microorganism: a flu bug. b.The illness or disease so produced: "stomach flu, a cold, or just some bug going around" (David Smollar). * a. A defect or difficulty,…
You're calling a bug a scam now? From here. That's what you agree to when you make an account.
Do I really have to give a full analysis? The first sentence gives a general definition of scam. The blue then gives an example of a scam, regarding a book about a business plan. They then point out what the characteristics of such a fraudelent book would be. They conclude it by saying that if any of those characteristics…
Being strong equals winning? Scammer doesn't equal name calling? Good job on missing the rest of the post, here's your medal. o< EDIT: The yellow part refers to what I've been saying all along. The red part refers to a business plan. Thanks for proving my point.
This is what I said in a previous post: You're talking about implying something which causes false information. I completely agree with that. However, that was not the case with the screenshot you posted which I replied to. Nowhere was it implied that the person was selling luck nor best luck tokens. It was just there with…
The person says it's a fancy handbag. A catshop is just a display of goods, with the corresponding prices which were chosen by the seller. I can try to sell a second hand bike or car for whatever price I want. No one is going to arrest me because I'm "scamming". However, no one will be buying it either, because they look…
Just like people that compare best luck tokens with luck tokens.b:chuckleb:chuckleb:chuckle Don't forget to take your ignorance with you.
Apparantly, you do not. A scam is about false information, whether spoken or not. Such is not the case with this. So people do look at the price of the mat, but not of the token. Do you even know what you're saying? Sigh, I'll try to give you another one, hope it's not too hard for you to follow; A person goes to the…
I'm not even going to reply to this, since you were too dumb to press the F5 key.
Ofcourse nobody would buy it, That's the funny thing, yet people cry about it in this thread. You should look up what scam means. This "scam" doesn't involve deceat. Obviously, those were just examples. I cuold grab a random TT mat and try to sell it for 20m. So according to you, that would be a scam. So it's a scam,…
D'oh. Best luck and luck tokens have a different icon. There's nothing advertised in the shop title. Which means the customer doesn't get deceived with false information. Just because you have a price in your head, doesn't mean every single shop has that price. Obviously you're the one that's ****, since you fail to see…
How mature. So people selling teles at 30k+ are scamming too? Or people selling armour with only increased endurance for 100k+? Cry more plz.
I don't see any advertising for best tokens. Everyone is free to set their own prices.
It was about time too. You guys should also take care of posters who keep bashing others constantly in their posts.
Making bosses harder or whatever will make it even worse to find/form a squad. If they expand they should just go till 8. The extra space is nice, but 10 is just overkill.
Ignore Airyll, (s)he's a common troll here. All their posts are pretty much attacks to other posters. Must be a superiority complex. With that said, just leave guilds which you're not happy to be part of.
Just go to edit your avatar and reselect it. Works for me.
Just because I say something you don't like, doesn't mean I'm a troll. Geez fail posters really get on my nerve. PS: If I were a troll, I'd be successful a one. Since you obviously got annoyed and all.
You must've bumped your head pretty hard.
Cool story, bro.