at this point i'm wondering which of the numbers from the originally posted results you're taking issue with. i see no numbers listed in your post, simply speculation based on a basic eyeballing of the percentages and the idea that "magic hurts a lot." i'm going to remind you of two things here, which you'd be well advised…
you're using perfect shards as well as a different tome. make the equivalent light armor mage using the same shards and same other gear (tome, ornaments), just with LA class armor instead of AA class, i guarantee you'll get more HP and more pdef. nice try though. the fact that you got virtually the same result, while using…
Adroit - which numbers exactly are you disputing? i don't see how numbers for numbers' sake can be "biased." incomplete, sure, because it would take forever to test every piece of gear / shard setup possible. granted arcane has higher m.def, no one is doubting that. if you shard p.def on arcanes, you can get up to light…
excellent link, idk how i missed finding that in the past. from the looks of it, it is definitely not a no-brainer "duh everyone goes aa." if anything i'm more inclined to go with la. the survivability increase beats out the damage decrease in my book, not to mention la seems to be significantly better if we're looking at…