Why's everyone gotta be picking on us Regicide ;) we'll stand strong this weekend...hopefully..probably.....most likely............we still gotta chance....b:surrender
first of all yes i am a carebearb:surrender and yes i will join and try my bestb:victory probably be a mageb:laugh
econmically--i guess we will soon see if things balance out territory wars--nef will still control the board outlaw might be the only ones to take dem i think but der is a treaty between dem (correct me if i'm wrong) PvP--not much is gonna change
in one of the past patches they changed soon the light to the chromatic healing beam as to why i dont know
ure gonna need blue bubble for TT's and higher FB's as well as red bubble. stream of rev. ure not gonna need toooo much so wait till higher level to level it
basically this event is an epic fail unless ure in the 80+ den well good for u other wise wuts the point of even doing it. i'm not on the pvp server so i cant complain bout being pk'd but i can complain dat WHO THE FRACK KEEPS LURING JEWL!!! i lost 34% in 3 hours!!!!!!! and so yea dats all i got to say/
i've really never taken on a mage my level before, most of the ones i take on are three or more levels below me. and also i'm pretty sure by level 100 any mage can kill a cleric
kill the foxwings around tusktown and etherblade they give really good exp and you should be able to grind on them at ure level. i started grinding on dem at 53.
well i can easily kill archers my level anything higher i die. i jst plume shell, attack, attack, sleep, two stack iron heart (plume shell runs out), attack, attack, and dey dieb:victory
- givs the benifits of sage and demon^^
well if u go pure mag ure gonna hav a tough time no doubt about it. personally i've solo'd most of my quests except for fb's and bosses. i hav 33 vit and i use hp gem. usually with the mobs i face my health goes to about half way but i just stack iron heart myself and it makes a huge difference
i'm not one of the wisest clerics but i can tell u dat this will always happen and it will get worse as u level up. honeslty i just socket my armor with hp gems and during battle i stack iron heart myself. my build is pretty much the same as ures except i got 33 in vit and none in dex.
dont bring up phoenix's it'll start a whole new debate even though it's true...sorta..pretty much is though
ok sure the political aspect of TW is a bit messy..but i just want to do it for fun
115~ wow...i'm really bored
damn i really want to get some of the TW action..but sadly no active TW factions want meb:cry
apoth would be the best thats wut i use all the time as for money i jst sell my DQ items that is if u wanna do DQ and i only use mp pots during FBS otherwise i jst buy charms
lol i suppose u r right. guess i'll decide for myselfb:victory
hmmm well if u dont wanna rez somebody den a jerk and dont. if u wanna charge sumone ure gonna get scammed. And personally i dont really care if i hav to rez sumone. i kept my rez at level1 cuz its never gonna benifit me in the future. but atleast its der to help ppl.
i agree wit u. the part about the wizard i suppose it true i mean why hav wizards wen u can hav us who can debuff, buff, heal, and attack.
totally agree!!! im pretty much a casual player and i dont wanna pay because im a casualy player Ps: GO FRENCH-CANADIANS!!!!
totally agree wit u. Even though im from Canada its still pretty inconsiderate about the TW times.