When do we get a winner and 2nd place and 3rd place in this valentines contest ?
there is another new daily quest,called, treasure hunter, located in South Arch near jewelrycraftman
When do you announce and show the winners and loses of this contests?
thanks for info. I got another ? about pic. I want to place a pic into the srceenshot area,as in go to opening screen and hit forum key than hit comuitite key and than hit fan art key and then sign in. Now how to enter pic into constest area or fan art area or whatever. when i sign in i go to find file and hit brower key…
Hello, i am having problems getting my pic to PWI forum. I get pic up to photobucket but not able to get it to forum as i do not know how. I need a step by step guide as how to do it. I got Forsakenx #1Screen shot and Sigs Quick Guide and Cocobelle's guide to PW screen shots. They help but not tell me step by step how to…
how did you get picture into forms?
I have seen this hate of clerics from day one in PWI. Its not new, only thing different is that Mystics have better offence gear and some cleric skills, and of course now days so many lvl101 or higher level players who can solo most boss , so cleric not as need, soon we may be non-usable.
This is how i fix; can not launch game, on windows XP system with Norton and Webroot secruity programs operating; with the lastest ver. of both. 1 if you got webroot ,put it in gamer mode 2 put webroot fire wall in; allow all traffic 3 if you got norton; allow norton to controll fire wall 4 in norton go to;computer…