Dinysucuras - Sanctuary Arc User


  • wow that is really messed up. so basically someone has to either lvl their crafting all the way, or stay in 90 gears until they farm all the TT mats to make the 99 gold, AND enough nirvana mats to do the recasts. and im guessing the re-rolling of stats needs crafting skills lvld too?
  • i spend a metric f-k ton of rl money in the cs. i can afford to, but i still choose not to buy my lvls. and lol @ OP. you've gone from 50 to 71 in a week, and posting elsewhere how experienced you are? and how you wanna do rb? lol. rb is nothing like oracle spawns. anybody who takes you to an rb should expect epic fail.
  • idk about gamma, but they fixed the bonus beans bug for delta.
  • ok 2 things.. 1- so youre saying you DO need to have crafting skills lvld to use the nirvana recast? that contradicts what red says.. so which is it? and 2- wasnt sure about accessories, just wanted to cover all the bases.
  • i checked the forge the other day shortly after we had that discussion about weapons, i think theres just the lvl 60-something, 70-something, and 80-something ones in there. no 97. and yes, it does say dragonling essence, instead of a mold thing. but wtf is a dragonling essence? where do i get one?
  • yes, thats exactly what i was worrying about. glad that they had the sense to NOT require crafting skills.
  • yea i was confused about the TT 90 and 99 thing too. it would really kinda suck having to farm the same weapon twice just for a decomp. and red there are lvl 97 daggers and soulspheres in the molds forge, i just dont know where they can be gotten. also: the OP is a very well known troll and high lvl noob of sanctuary. he…
  • wow wasnt sure when it was gonna stop, glad to hear it goes all the way to 80. but what about the 90 mold? the last one or 2 in the forge (forget if its 1 or 2)? and which end game one would be better? tt or mold? guess tt bcuz eventually it'll be added to the nirvana recasting?
  • its at the even lvls, 20, 30, 40, 50. not the X9s. and if you dont get the mold from the quest then id seriously recommend buying it from the auction (mold or made). they really do make all the difference.
  • anyone saying dont lvl landslide is a moron. seriously. every lvl it increases the pushback and the damage. currently my landslide hits harder than my maxed out first 2 skills, and it pushes the mobs back far enough for me to cast 3 spells (usually dead within 2).