Dinark - Lost City Arc User


  • i never said grinding was hard.. but exactly as som1 stated.. kiting.. FoW and pheonix.. all things u hav to think of usin.. aswell as the element of mob and ur skill.. more thought then a bm just wacking away.. i just think i need to start lvlin more and unlock the power of wizard.. at least get 79 skills.. maybe the str…
  • First off i never ment that wizard was a hard class but u hav to admit u do need pay more attention to what skills u use and equips u use do to survivability instead of how ( alrdy stated) a fist bm can normal hit mobs endlessly at no cost while tanking the damage and then use their sutra heal that take like no mana and 1…
  • ima hav to get Frenzy, heard alot of wizzies usin it in combo with extreme poisen and well... me hates bein left out b:sadb:surrender
  • i recently started adding vit i think im at about 15 - 20 base vit now, goin to cap at 50 tho. from my gear i get about 500+hp without refines and a mixture of garnet and hp gems.. and only average or beautiful shards at that. The 1 main thing alot of people dont consider is that goin an arcane wizard means u hav alot of…
  • Sorry for Double post but.. i just finished installation and the patch was at 229 already so not many to do, Ty Every1 for posting / helping
  • Ok tyvm for your reply, and about old or new version^ idk I jut selected the 'Perfect World Vista / W7 Direct Download' As shown here : http://pwi.perfectworld.com/download
  • Atm i hav Extreme Piosen Holy Path - God i love this bloody skill Second wind I hav room for 2 more but dunno what to get plus the affinity is messed up on this genie so i think ima turn it into exp cube and start again xP Definatly wanna b able to get Absolute Domain when i get higher lvl and hav more affinity and maybe…
  • Only if per chance the Phy has the buff to reflect in place.. and has nobody considered how hard the assassins are goin to hit us pvp ? the can tleport to ur location and rip u apart aswell as a few control skills, Not gonna list as i hav NOT researched properly
  • No its not done with the same skill, but i am not aware of the cooldown.. if its a short cooldown were all screwed =/ also the buff the increase attack lvl and decrease defence and viceversa is castable on any target, there for they can : Cast increase attack lvl on a DD'r alrdy for extra damage. Cast it on themselves for…
  • Your Very right now that i think more about it, and for the ppl who i offended or anoyyed i am sorry.. didnt think it through enough what i said..
  • We dont know yet what sage or demon does to their skills.. as Wizard shines 90+ so cud a phychic.. I havent really check out the wizard much yet but correct me if im wrong.. They dont hav any physical attacks ? also our 79 skills to increase our element resists will be useful now and wanted to note, phychics hav slef buffs…
  • First.. Ya it was a very small chance i thought Kylin and Kingdom wud split.. and i do know how hard it is to work for all the turf you own but after Conqueror spliting LC server hav livened up SO much!.. And for you sayin gtfo and idk wat im talking about.. well i hav been thro wat look like the exact same thing.. And i…
  • *raises arm* i mean.. *raises hand*
  • From seeing the required stats for warsong daggers an archer cud use any lvl daggers bar they hav req lvl..
  • Wats Up, Im Dylan from Ireland and still havent chosen which class ima role in new server. wish it was pvp server tho =(
  • +1 Barbs endgame are serioius business,especially Hell Barb, Sick Crits,Sick Hp and well.. Mountcrash Gear with Immac or better look sock =P lol.. only weaknes really is M.Def but if u had any brains you would use ur genie to make up for that..
  • Rofl.. why u bother wastin your time with Veno and and Extreme Piosen ?? they dont stack.. u shud get veno to amp and u use Tanglin mire and devour.. 100% phys damage reduction + 20% amp damage.. Get an Archer to Demon spark after that and watch the chunks fly..
  • Persoanlly i think the Star Axes are best choice for PvE.. Drain of Mp is not bad especially as barbs hav a low mp pool even endgame.. and as gloom is not spike damage but a bit more damage over time u can use aggro skills while its in effect..
  • I somtimes tend to switch onto my sword for a quick couple of seconds if fighting on the ground as the damage is reduced Land Vs Air...
  • To be honest i was thinkin about quitin mage and startin 1 of new classes.. there was quite a few reasons i was gettin sick of the mage.. - costs alot of money - if u go AA build before 90 like me.. ur squishy as hell - 4.8 m/s runnin speed.. OMG like !! but then i thought about it more and theres alot that make up for al…
  • i cant comment really on the extra chi as i aint had a chance to try it yet.. but im defo sold for Sage Mage.. Sage Bids.. Chi skill.. sage blink got me =D pyro nice aswell..
  • The Extra Chi almost instantly seems useful alright but i would go for sleep first PvE and PvP.. just like a 2nd lvl10 seal.. if not better cuz target cant move.. Altho ive heard that shell basically purifies yourself aswell so i want to look into that..
  • I think cleric love light armor wiz PvE cuz they dont steal agro but still deal fair enough damage.. As a Pure Magic Build i Steal agro a bit.. even assistin on barb after hes done a bit of damage already...
  • Its not the most damage ive done but it sure did save my ****... was those heathens in swamps. metal mobs, got attacked by like 5 of them,blinked back and cast BT on them all and crit each of them for 33.5k and killed them all .. Saved my **** xD
  • Wingspan and another like wingspan just not a knockback both do physical damage and hav no damage decrease due to mobs bein close.. The skill they hav that is like wingspan which i cant remmeber name of is very close to bein spammable but it is learnt at a very low lvl there for its damage output is not great.
  • Archers are better DD's for higher lvl mobs becuz of 1 skill only.. Sharpen Tooth Arrow.. Lowers targets Max Hp nd that alot for any lvl mob.. but when wizzies killin mobs their own lvl we can hit some sick numbers ! =D Tbh i love the damage and all that of the wiz but im gettin bored of constantly having to be payin FULL…
  • I like to use either double spark and Poisen on them and the nuke while damage increased.. Hav to say tho.. Ive never used sutra much and i need to start testin it
  • Earth Barrier isnt good ? Dude hav u been sharding with Pdef shards and usin Pdef belts so u hav some Pdef to use ? At lvl 10 it doubles ur Pdef So it Helps Alot for any Physical damage u might Take,Be it PvP or jst mobs.. at lvl 68 i hav my heal lvl 8.. i know it might of been a waste but i can heal a tank for bh51 and…
  • ROFL!.. Sage can hav just as much hp as Demon.. why wud it get more?.. -.- And Sage has a Skill to regen 50 Chi / a minute and Sage books giv effects to skills to take less chi or a chance to regen chi