Dimental - Harshlands Arc User



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  • I always found your best options as a wizzy are: 1) Always grind Air or Water mobs as they offer 50% more EXP and good drop rates. 2) You have three very powerful spells that will increase your magical resistances up to double. If you can find something to grind on that will allow you to use this advantage you'll save a…
  • Yeah but an archer can make more use of 3 seconds than a wizzy, what skills that are going to down a target can we get off with such a short time?
  • I am 100% certain that I have had critical hits and that they only do 50% more damage than my standard attacks. My sandstorm while hunting minion of alucard (sp?) would hit for 7-8k a time however on a critical hit it would only do 10.5k-12k a time not 14k-16k as it should following "a critical hit is double damage" What…
  • Basically if from what I've read here through other wizzies posts my basic Sand Storm does approx 8-9k a hit so a critical hit with it should do 16k-18k a hit, instead it does 12k-13.5k in PvE so I crit at 50% of my damage not 100% So are these posts stating these insane amounts of damage total rubbish? I have a cleric…
  • From what I've read this is already happening in game for some people nothing to do with having magical GM powers.
  • I decided to go with Sakyamunies light really glad I did as the added physical resistance is amazing :) the damage on it is great too specially since I managed to get it to +5 without using dragon orbs b:victory Am sure their will be another of these threads soon enough when I get to level 80 and need a new weapon again.…
  • I am a pure build, my MA is 4100-4700 unbuffed and I have over 315 MAG. Basically if from what I've read here through other wizzies posts my basic Sand Storm does approx 8-9k a hit so a critical hit with it should do 16k-18k a hit, instead it does 12k-13.5k in PvE so I crit at 50% of my damage not 100% like I've read b:sad
  • I would question how effective a 3 second stun is to a wizzy. Almost all of our skills take longer than three seconds to cast, our hard hitters take a whole lot longer (4+) so in PvP this skill isn't in my opinion going to give you much bang for buck because its stun doesn't last long enough. Agreed with Holy Path, its…
  • You're comparing two tiers within a market, when instead you should be viewing just the upper tier of customers. These are the ones who will buy a new mount as soon as the new one is released regardless of if the mount they currently have is the same speed or not. The casual purchaser may well enjoy the freedoms of having…
  • Thats not how markets work, giving all choices from the start allows everyone to get exactly what they want right now meaning they will just buy that. Flip it the other way and release a really nice flying mount for 1 week only, well people will buy this as it might not be ingame again after even if they have already spent…
  • Their are alternatives to the above. You can grind bats in Swamps from level 65-71 which is a lot cheaper than a zhen party and in my opinion much more efficient as youll make money, get good drops and not burn through MP charms in a few hours. (zhen parties get crashed a lot on my server too which is also my reasoning for…
  • Thats not really a good excuse though is it, if you were a consumer of any other product and then found they cut the price by 20% two days after you bought it you would be very annoyed. If a big company like Apple announces a sale or the introduction of a major update to any of their products and you have bought said…
  • Wow thanks guys, missed the first sale by paying $100 to my account on the Wednesday. Now missed another sale where I paid $100 Wednesday this week. Since I got the "well you should have known their was an American holiday this weekend" responses last time, what American holiday is it this weekend? National annoy your…
  • Couldn't agree more on the genie front, I'll hopefully be going with extreme poison, wind shield, holy path and something to prevent/break stuns (what genie skill can do this?)
  • I've fought against my brothers archer a LOT and I mean every time I see him be it a duel, me seeing him out hunting somewhere and running to attack him or what ever. How I win as a wizzy? Well it is a hard battle, if the archer sees you first/knows you're coming you're certain to fail. Archers attack way faster than we…
  • Thanks, I just don't want my nice yellow armour to have a purple glow b:victory
  • b:victory thanks for the advice, I'm pretty sure the pants dont get replaced till TT90? But can see your point with the TT70 stuff specially with me going to be decomposing them its just like throwing money away! If I add garnet first I get a red glow right?
  • I was only considering using flawless in the pants of Hades as these will have a resale value, however the other pieces will have to be decomposed upon getting to level 80 for my next sets of armour, would it be a wiser choice to stick with beautiful shards for these instead?
  • I've just made level 70, its amazing. I love the new armour, my yellow glowing sword theirs nothing more I could ask for I look and feel like the role I've chose. (no need for fashion as wizzy armour looks nice!!) However it is a rough ride and the amount of times a day I have someone 1-2 shot me before I've even had time…
  • Agreed I do take damage, not a huge amount but enough to make me have to use a potion sometimes ticking my charm. I find your first macro annoying though. My FoW is range 22 the rest of my spells being a whole lot higher so I'm playing "chase the monster" if I do that. Perhaps when I've leveled my FoW a bit more it will…
  • What is the string of spells you're tying to use in your macro? IMO the best/only effective macro at level 60+ when everything you encounter is magic based is: Sandstorm >> Gush >> Pyrogram >> Gush >> Pyrogram >> Gush >> Pyrogram This works for several reasons, the first attack is your powerful opening skill and will…
  • Only kited in PvP never found the use for it in PvE easier to stand my ground and bash out as many skills as possible killing most things in 4-5 hits. Learn how to do it if you're on a PvP server else move on.
  • Pick your target, spark, bash with hardest hitting spells b:beatenup. They will die, it may be cowardly but it always kills b:chuckle
  • Need 24 for pants of Hades also b:cry and cube runs for me are certain death and very expensive.
  • If you make the price too low people will stop cash shopping with real money as it would be just as easy to make the money ingame doing TT runs for mats and selling them to buy your gold from an NPC. They have a lot to lose here, this game is kept alive by people like me who pay my money into it. This is one of the first…
  • b:sad everyones saying different things b:chuckle guess it will boil down to personal choice/available cash then. I really do like the sounds of getting sakyamunies as although its 50-50 damage less than asura its going to offer me a lot of physical defence probably more than the TT70 top. *Edit* How many chips doe…
  • I wasn't sure if to include this or not as I don't know how I would get the mould for it. Also it doesnt lead onto another weapon so would cost more in the long run. Howver the physical defence does look quite nice! Whats the damage difference between it and ther other TT70 weapons including the additional extras? (how…
  • I'm going to ramble for a bit, so I'll apologies now. I started playing this game for the first time 3 weeks 6 days ago. I'm level 68 and hopefully will make 70 within the next couple of days. Leveling at first was amazing as until level 30 no one can touch you. But then the unthinkable happened! I turned level 30 and…
  • I'm inclined to disagree, I work very hard for my money and if I want to spend some of it on a game I want to get as much for it as possible. By setting a limit you're being unfair on those who are able to cash shop and make money from it. I'm a wizzy and no one wants me in TT runs, I've zened for 53 gold and I had 30 of…
  • Didn't know that was possible already. Thanks for the info. They take ages to cast though, no good if you're in a tight spot (aggro too many things, PKers etc) and need a quick escape. Pretty sure some people would pay that b:chuckle Would depend how its done I suppose. As long as it always provided a chance of getting say…
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