Ahhh! That explains so very much. *logs that into an entry* b:surprised
Soo she's a Dalek?
I am pleased to have amused you. b:victory
The ability to cook every meal perfectly. Serously, do you realize how much money would be saved if I could do that.b:surrender
Or, was so late to the show that there's no reason to QQ about. (Yes, I was out of town and not with laptop, I missed the show entirely!)b:surrender
Any instance run with TheFire, SushiKing, and Snowy/Ultimia, was fast. I usually didn't have time to look at the clock to time it. b:kissb:thanks
b:chuckle OMG! I understand the TW rage, but the rest of it. b:laugh And I think everyone is still trying to figure out the History thingie. So that question for discussion purposes is lost on most of us. lol Sorry, hun. b:kiss
I had the same exact problems on 3 characters. I really wanted some extra Holy pills for them too. Well they should have it fixed soon, its an event after all.b:sad
Hmm, I don't think it would matter what characters, main or otherwise, I brought home. My Parent's reactions would probably be as follows; Mom:Hi,its nice to met you. So what would you like for dinner? And we have soda and tea to drink if your thirsty. Dad:Hey! (and depending on his mood the conversation wouldn't end until…
Thanks for the link. And @ darthpanda16, you've done great hun. @ everyone else, keep in mind their trying to implement an easier system for us, so there are going to be issues until the new client is ready. And a lot of folks and similiar issues for Genesis. Just not us,lol, guess it means its my turn.b:chuckleb:thanks
I'm having that message, but I've had micro seizures today, doing this trying to ignore the shakes. b:surrender Anyways, my brain can't connect dots, can a lovable huggable guy/gal post a link pls. b:beg
I have a more pertinent question, what do you mean by, minor localization fixes? b:question (and as for the lvling thing, who knows, I thought I'd be lvl100 by now. sadly only lvl 90)
I just wait for the snowmen,they drop plenty of cube and chips and such. No need to buy most of it anyways, its just mostly for show, and games always have extra goodies that you pay for. And I don't mind the boutique, after all, they have to eat at some point too. Btw,love the Calvin n Hobbs cartoon on Snowmen,very cute n…