Devils_Arrow - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • hey, i got a lvl 3 guild, lots of high members, and all we do is pretty much help Guild:Shadowed Leader: Flangel also whisper Timehunter one of them may be on
  • seriously man? im sorry, but that build is soo fail, im only 65 but i keep everything up to date, best i can, cause im poor, lol. i have 40 in vit, rest is following build and pure build here on out, i do 2-3k in damage with my tt60 crossbow and my max crit is 24k, and i get hit very rarely. but when i do get hit, i take…
  • lmao, thats just hilarious. My archer is lvl 60, and i have basically minimum weps, not even tt yet, and i can easily kill mobs with 3 to 5 hits, depending on crit or not, im not pure dex either, i can very easily out dd my wiz friend, lvl 60, without using a single skill, and they have tt wep. Archers pwn at dding :)